Slaughterhouse-Five is a 1972 movie directed by George Roy Hill. The movie is based on Kurt Vonnegut’s novel of the same name. Billy Pilgrim is the main character of this movie, who is the center of the discussion. The movie presents the life of this person who due to the specific ability, lives all his moments of life simultaneously.
He can go to bed in one place and at the next moment get up in another one. Washing up in a shower being an adult, he can appear in a swimming pool as a boy. All these transformations in time and place tell about the life of this person who came through the World War II, got married and had children, who became wealthy and at the end of his life lived on an alien planet called Tralfamadore.
Generally, this movie impressed me greatly. The idea is catching and the way how the director managed to show this idea is amazing. The effects used in the movie cannot leave a person careless. Many feelings and emotions are delivered through these specific techniques. However, watching this movie, I was impressed by Tralfamadore as the way to escape from this world.
The main hero come through a difficult life; he saw many deaths, disaster, and pain; this life is not what he wanted at the end of his existence. Therefore he went to Tralfamadore. This mystic planet is the symbol of escape, I suppose. Living in this world is a difficult task for people. People always face several complications and other issues. People usually want to hide from life difficulties and to be happy. Billy Pilgrim managed to do it. The life on a specific planet Tralfamadore is his particular method.
Generally speaking, the movie kept me in tension from the very beginning up to the end. Having appeared on this mysterious planet, I waited for a moment when the main character would change his location and time. Each time Billy Pilgrim was transmitted in time and space, I felt the difficulty in understanding where he was and what time was at the moment.
Still, the situation and events helped me catch the main idea and to follow the main character. I do not like Billy Pilgrim, I consider him as a careless and emotionless person who does not live life but who is led by the life circumstances. I could not see the interest in life as well as I did not see the actions Billy Pilgrim did to change something. The life flows, and Billy Pilgrim just follows the direction.
This movie helped me reconsider my personal life. What would I do in order I could live all the moments of my life simultaneously? Would I have a desire to change something? How would I behave? Would I have a desire to escape from the horrors of life? All these questions appeared in my mind after watching the film. Unfortunately, I could not answer them. I know for sure that I would try to do something to change my life rather than escaping from reality. Life is difficult. However, people can change everything if they want to. And I fell that I want to change my life, I want to do something to have a desire to live on this planet.