The rapid pace of market digitalization, outlined new models of indispensable use of social media in the company’s business model. The organization of my employment is called Fer Wear, which presents a variety of affordable clothing designs at retail prices for an artistic audience. The brand focuses on unisex style and color of clothing that outlines its relevance on the market. 81% of Americans have social media, which indicates the vitality of creating brand profiles on online platforms (Sreenivasan). To obtain all targeted segments of potential buyers, the three most crucial social media outlets were chosen – Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Combined, these platforms would cover various socioeconomic and age groups, which would benefit and precisely define the interested auditory of the brand.
Facebook is a universal platform used by every age group, and additionally may be utilized as a marketplace. It is crucial to create an account on Facebook as it may serve multiple functions of customer communication and digital business operation (Queensland Government). This social outlet is based on the idea of social networking, where the users may follow various people and share their personal life events. In recent years Facebook started to focus on helping businesses and created many functions that connect the brands to their customers through the platform.
Instagram profiles are necessary for establishing a visual brand reputation. It is a photo-sharing service that is now one of the most powerful online-business platforms, especially for young brands. Powered by Facebook, Instagram allows users to create profiles with visual content like photos videos,d stories. Moreover, it has various business tools that may advertise and promote the businesses. Creating a consistent page that combines relevant photos of the products and essential information about the business is sure to attract new customers. The targeted advertisement tools on this digital outlet are proved to significantly impact the customer base enhancement.
Tik Tok is a novel social media outlet that quickly gained millions of users. The platform is based on showing a personalized feed of short videos, fully adapting to your preferences. It is an innovative way of enhancing business performance and attracting customers. It is essential to learn the algorithm of its process, to seekable effects on the brand by introducing it to a broad audience (Balkhi). By taking advantage of all Tik Tok’s features, the business is destined to draw a variety of loyal customers.
Balkhi, S. “How to Use TikTok to Promote Your Business.”Entrepreneur. 2019, Web.
Queensland Government. “Using Social Media to Market Your Business: The Basics | Business Queensland.”Qld.Gov.Au, 2018, Web.
Sreenivasan, Sree. “How to Use Social Media in Your Career.” The New York Times, 2019, Web.