Societal norms refer to behavior rules which are unwritten and considered acceptable by the community. Acemoglu and Jackson (2017) explain that behavior etiquette is the prevalence, frequency, and quality of given morals. Norms are enacted in a society to maintain order and predictability (Gächter et al., 2017). Although these expectations evolve and become strict with time, problems arise when individuals fail to respect them or feel that their lives are limited.
I violated the societal norm of looking directly at a person I was talking with when a friend needed help. Gächter et al. (2017) explain that eye contact enhances the communication between two individuals and proves that the other party is concentrating. My friend was stressed because their parents had divorced and needed a person to talk to. However, I kept checking my phone because I was waiting for a call from one of my classmates because I had informed them that I would be in their neighborhood. I was also carried away by the different activities in the surrounding, which interrupted my eye contact.
As a result, I could not advise my friend because I missed some content in their story. Rudert et al. (2020) explain that breaking a social norm makes people angry, and it happened. My pal told me that she realized I was not a true friend, and I never heard from them again. Therefore, individuals need to understand how society expects them to behave and act accordingly.
In summary, it is essential to understand that norms are purposeful and crucial to maintaining order in the community. Failing to follow the social and behavioral norms makes people angry and might attract severe consequences such as punishment or being shunned by others. A harmonious and peaceful co-existence is created when individuals abide by societal expectations. Societal norms help people behave well, therefore, they should be embraced by everybody in the community.
Acemoglu, D., & Jackson, M. O. (2017). Social norms and the enforcement of laws. Journal of the European Economic Association, 15(2), 245-295. Web.
Yachter, S., Gerhards, L., & Nosenzo, D. (2017). The importance of peers for compliance with norms of fair sharing. European Economic Review, 97, 72-86. Web.
Rudert, S. C., Ruf, S., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). Whom to punish? How observers sanction norm‐violating behavior in ostracism situations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(2), 376-391. Web.