Sources of Information: Impact on Public Research Paper

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Child rearing entails a number of activities which a parent or guardian should do in order to fulfil his/her duty. These include; provision of education, administering discipline and supporting children. All these go into raising enthusiastic, happy, confident and secure children. In discharging their duty, parents, guardians, teachers, policemen and the general public depend on a number of sources that provide valuable information on how effective they should carry out their duties. These sources include; newspaper articles, magazine articles, books, advertisements, pamphlets, documentaries, and TV programs. These sources attempt to reach out and inform their respective audiences in different ways. Consequently, these sources can lead to changes in attitude and behaviour among their respective audiences.

This essay entails an evaluation and critique of the effectiveness of different sources of information such as newspaper articles, magazine articles, books and advertisements in reaching out and informing their respective audiences. The essay also involves an evaluation of the writers’ style, the type of audience being addressed by the source, choice of words, tone and clarity of the sources in presenting different types of information. The essay will also go ahead and look at how the sources employ graphics, color, photos, illustrations, and space in drawing the attention of the intended audience.

Newspaper Articles

‘Messages of Child Drowning Prevention’ is a newspaper review in the Kansas Journal of Medicine. The articles is meant to draw the attention of the general public to take note of the rising cases of injury-related deaths of children of ages 1-14 years old in the United states (Chesser et al. 1). The authors starts by showing how important the information contained in the article is by starting that, “Drowning remains the second leading cause of injury-related child deaths in the United states,” (Chesser et al. 1). This first sentence draws the attention of the reader and keeps him/her in the mood of wanting to learn more. The title is also framed in such a way that, a concerned parent or guardian would wish to read it. The authors use simple and native English devoid of jargon in delivering the message home. The article also is based on statistical evidence regarding the current issue and thus it helps the reader to take the information given therein seriously. Although the article is presented in plain black and white colors, it is arranged in an attractive manner with tables drawn that provide additional information. The authors conclude the article by drawing the attention of those with the greatest responsibility in ensuring that the message reaches as many people as possible by stating that, “Drowning or near-drowning incidents provide an opportunity for the media to educate the public regarding drowning prevention and water safety” (Chesser et al. 5)

‘Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Campaigns’ is a magazine article on HIV/AIDS interventions in Vietnam. The article addresses the whole family in terms of providing information on the various activities related to HIV/AIDS interventions in the country. It evaluates men’s interventions in HIV/AIDS aimed at behavioural changes. The author starts off by catching the interest of the reader through quoting one of the men interviewed during the campaigns. This quote at the beginning of the article and the pictures of men carrying out their daily activities such as track drivers, military men and pilots gives the reader a snap-shot of what to expect. The article also describes a project meant to draw the attention of men to get involved in HIV/AIDS intervention activities. The Author states that, “As of September 30, 2002, more than 55, 200 people in Vietnam are reported to be HIV positive, the actual number is likely to be 3-4 times higher.” The author also continues to give the situation on the ground by stating that, “About 85% of reported HIV infections are among men; about 60% of the total reported positive are injecting drug users…” (Family Health International 1). These statements serve to show the importance of involving men in the intervention activities. The article is properly laid out through usage of attractive colours and message boxes and pictures in the middle of the article that show the main intervention programs that should be embraced by men in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. The author finishes the discussion by emphasizing on the major lessons that a reader should have learnt upon finishing reading the article.

‘Illinois Curb on Minor’s Abortions Nears’ is a newspaper article featured in the New York Times. The article notifies the parents and guardians about the steps that the government is going to take against any under 18 year old teenagers who seek abortions. The article effectively addresses the questions that would strike the readers at first sight. It starts off by giving the general information on how the law will be enforced and supports it by giving statistics of how other states neighbouring Illinois have managed to curb the vice. She states that, “Thirty-four other states are already enforcing measures requiring parent’s notification before a minor obtains abortion” (Davey par.2). The article is well structured with native English language and the author’s choice of words suits everyone in the society without hurting the feelings of either. The article also represents the feelings of both the parties involved in the issue thus leaving the reader to make his/her own conclusion. The author concludes by stating that, “should the decision be to have enforcement of the law begin immediately, those pursuing the new challenge in the state court say, they will seek a temporary restraining order Wednesday afternoon” (Davey par.13). This further gives the writer the opportunity to synthesize the information and draw a conclusion on his/her own.

‘Supporting Families: Children Are the Winners’ is a newspaper article meant for teachers and parents that provides professional resources on child rearing. The article effectively addresses issues related to parental support such as; the challenges facing today’s parents, benefits of familial involvement in the child’s early life, factors affecting child competence, parenting effectiveness, supporting the family program enrichment, how to support families and encourage their involvement in the program among others. The article is clearly written and well referenced without any clichés. However, the article contains a few cases of wordiness and repetition. The article is enriched with pictures of smiling, happy, and confident children right at the beginning of the article. The author also uses bright colors like red, green and blue in highlighting some titles thus making the article very attractive. The author concludes by stating that, “Families face many challenges that require the attention of early childhood professionals” (Barbour pr.24). This draws the attention of those with the greatest responsibility in supporting families with child rearing. The author finishes by stating the importance of supporting the family, she says, “Support given to parents goes a long way in mediating the stresses many families experience” (Barbour par.24).

Child rearing encompasses prevention of child abuse practices. This is clearly laid out in the article ‘Child Abuse Prevention: Accomplishments and Challenges’ written to address the various accomplishments and challenges faced by those against child abuse. It is an issue that suits the general public particularly the family. The authors state that, “Child abuse is not a new phenomenon” (Daro et al. 2). This serves to prepare the reader to keep in mind that the issues dealt with by the authors are not new but they are real and happening. The authors continue by building a clear thesis statement that states, “This paper begins by briefly outlining the theoretical framework that has shaped the development of prevention programming in the area of child abuse” (Daro et al. 4). The thesis also states that, “The concluding sections outline the most salient program and policy implications emerging from this body of research” (Daro et al. 4). These statements are enough to prime the reader on what to expect and whether the article addresses his/her concerns. The rest of the article is clearly written in plain English except for a few incidences of wordiness. The paper is also clearing referenced and cited.

Prevention of child abuse is also addressed in the article, ‘Ending legalised violence against children’ meant to address the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. The article is presented in form of a report analysis from the state and the civil society to the committee advocating for prevention of child abuse (Save the Children par.1). The article analyzes various reports from 1997 through 2004. The author states that, “In this report the state admits that corporal punishment continues to be widely used throughout the country, in families, in government facilities and in institutions” (Save the Children par.1). Reading this statement, a reader may begin to wonder which stand to take on the matter. The author goes ahead and states that, “Its persistent use reflects public opinion and the values that favour corporal punishment in child rearing” (Save the Children par. 1). This further gives the reader a chance to make a sound decision on the matter. The report extensively analyzes the efforts made by the government and the civil society in addressing the matter. The author uses a red color in the headline indicating how serious the matter dealt with in the report is. The report is clearly written except for a few incidents where the author uses technical and legal language which can be hard to understand. However, the report is also well referenced and clearly cited.

Parenting is a huge responsibility and child rearing is so demanding that a teenager cannot manage it. Therefore, prevention of teen pregnancies is essential in child rearing as can be shown in the article, ‘Teen pregnancy prevention focussing on evidence: Ineffective abstinence-only lessons being replaced with science’ meant to inform parents and guardians about the new method of teen pregnancy prevention. In the article, Krisberg (par.1) states that, “December marked a new day for sex education in America, with the elimination of the federal abstinence-only funds and renewed support for evidence-based health curricula.” The statement and the title of the article serve to prepare the reader on what exactly the author is going to talk about in the rest of the article. The rest of the article clearly supports the content of the title by comparing and contrasting between the two ways of teen pregnancy prevention. The author uses plain English that most native and non-native speakers can understand. The author also uses pictures that give additional information on the matter. The article concludes clearing by the author quoting the director of the Public policy of the ‘Sexuality Information and Education council of the United States’ who said that the general public needs to be watchful and should seize available opportunities in availing the information to the youth as they become sexually active (Krisberg par.15).

Substance abuse prevention should also be part of the child rearing interventions for parents and guardians. Additionally, the media has got a role to play as envisaged in the article, ‘the Use of Mass Media in Substance Abuse Prevention’ (DeJong 1). The author starts off by stating that, “Over the past three decades, the American public has been heavily influenced by the power of television and its ability to shape the society” (DeJong 1). This statement serves to emphasize the role of the media in the prevention campaign. The authors summarize the whole article by a clearly laid out thesis which states that, “In this article, we explore how the mass media can be used more effectively to prevent substance abuse, especially among preteens and adolescents. We begin by briefly describing what can be accomplished in health promotion through the strategic use of mass media” (DeJong 2). The rest of the article is clearly presented in plain English that addresses the various issues as stated in the thesis statement. The article is also well referenced. It concludes by giving recommendations on how the media should design and implement the programs in future.


Child rearing also falls squarely on the shoulders of paediatrics and primary care-takers. This role is clearly addressed in the book, ‘The Child Surveillance Handbook’. The book addresses various issues on child-care particularly by the primary care staff. The authors summarize the main issues in the contents page and in the preface; the editor clearly states the purpose of the book. The editor asserts that, “This book is not intended to be a complete textbook of paediatrics. It is designed for primary care staff who are embarking on the child health surveillance… “(Hall et al. xiii). The book is clearly written in a language that can be understood by its targets and other readers and it consists of a page that explains how the book should be used. The editor introduces the main topic by saying that, “Child health surveillance is a programme of care initiated and provided by professionals, with the aim of preventing illnesses and promoting good health and development” (Hall et al. xv). The book covers are attractively designed with different bright colors and pictures that catch the eye. The thesis statement is clearly built and the book contains citations and a list of references.

One failure of child rearing is child neglect. The issue is discussed in-depth in the book, ‘The children of Neglect’. The book in its contents page gives a recap of what the reader should expect to find in the rest of the book. Then in the preface, the editor points out the main targets of the information and states that, “This book examines child neglect in families and its relevance to research, policy, and practice in the field of services to children and their families” (Smith xi). The book is designed with dull colors in the front and rear covers. A picture of a young girl who is waving in the dark is printed on the front cover. In this way, the authors are able to gain the sympathy of the readers for this kid and many more. The introduction states that, “Child neglect is an overlooked area of child welfare practice” (Smith 1). The authors proceed by building the thesis statement which states that, “This book will examine research, social policy, and practices with respect to neglectful families” (Smith 1). The book is clearly presented according to the contents. It is also well cited and referenced. The authors conclude the book by looking at the relationship between child neglect and culture, poverty and substance abuse.


Some ads can provoke attitude and behavioural changes in the general public with respect to changes in child rearing practices. For instance, one advert promoted by the Health Grades Inc. states that, “THINK YOU’RE A GOOD PARENT? PROVE IT” (WD browser par.1). These are strong and authoritative words that can draw the attention of many parents. The author proceeds and says that, “Learn how to boost your child’s confidence, raise their self esteem, and protect them from violent situations for life” (WD browser par.1). The author uses contrasting colors such as yellow, red, black and white that make the advert so clear that no one can miss to notice it. The ad also contains a picture of a young, angry and resistant boy which is one symptom of poor parenting. The author provides further information in a video attached with the advert.

Another ad on Ads Council states that, “Guess who had a bad day at work?” and includes a picture of a crying young girl (Ads Council par.2). The ad is meant to warn parents against abusing their children since it doesn’t help but make them or the children have a bad day at work or at school. The author proceeds by stating that, “Stop using words that hurt” (Ad Council par.2). This statement is meant to inform the parents that child abuse does not only involve physical mishandling but use of words that hurt their feelings can also be considered as abuse. The ad is clearly designed with simple words that convey a strong message. The author used dull and black colors which represents the bad day for the parent and the kid.


The essay has evaluated and criticized eight newspaper and magazine articles, two books and two ads that are meant to provide information for the general public. As it can be noted from the discussion, these sources play various roles in educating and changing the attitudes and behaviours of parents and the general public on matters related to child rearing.

Works Cited

  1. “Ads Council.” Child abuse prevention (1976-2003).Cone & Belding Agency: Chicago. 2010.
  2. Barbour, Ann. Supporting families: children are the winners. Early Childhood News: Washington, DC. 2000.
  3. Chesser, K. Amy and Synovitz, Carolyn. Messages of child drowning prevention: a review of Newspaper coverage from Mid-Western regional papers. University of Kansas school of Medicine: Wichita, 2008.
  4. Daro, Deborah and Donnelly, Cohn. Child abuse prevention: accomplishments and challenges. N.d.
  5. DeJong, William and Winsten, Jay. The use of the mass media in substance abuse prevention. 1990.
  6. Davey, Monica. The New York Times: Illinois curb on minor’s abortions nears. 2009.
  7. Hall, David; Hill, David and Elliman, David. The child surveillance handbook, 2nd ed. Radcliffe Medical Press Ltd: Oxon, UK. 1999.
  8. “Family Health International.” Behaviour change and communication (BCC) campaigns.2001.
  9. Krisberg, Kim. Teen pregnancy prevention focussing on evidence: ineffective abstinence-only lessons being replaced with science. The Nation’s Health, 2010 vol. 40(3), pp.1-14.
  10. ‘Save the children’. Ending legalised violence against children: legal framework on corporal punishment in Latin America. 2006.
  11. Smith, Margaret and Fong Rowena. The children of neglect: when no one cares. Brunner-Routledge: New York. 2004.
  12. “WD browser.” Introduction: child rearing. Health Grades Inc. 2010.
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IvyPanda. (2021, December 26). Sources of Information: Impact on Public.

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