On the morning of January 22, 2021, Georgi Hristov Pantchev, from West Los Angeles, was arrested on charges of stalking and threatening two female doctors. He daily distributed photos (of a sexual explicit) of his victims, which contained racist statements, as well as encouraged people to kill these women. According to the Department of Justice (2021), Pantchev was charged in 2014 and served time in prison, after which he was released on parole and was banned from visiting the clinic where the victims worked. After his release, the man violated the conditions of release and repeatedly came to the clinic. He is scheduled for a retrial, during which a decision will be made on a new term in prison.
The women victims filed a complaint against Pantchev, which contains all the materials and examples in his case about threats, distribution of photos, and stalking. They tried to avoid contact with Pantchev due to feeling threatened. Despite the ban on visiting the medical facility where the victims worked, after his release, he appeared there again, and in one of the visits, he was arrested after beating a police officer.
Since the criminal posed a serious threat, the best solution for women would be to change their place of work. Importantly, they should take decisive measures for their safety to avoid encountering a criminal who has repeatedly threatened them. To avoid a sudden attack, it is also necessary to means of self-defense, such as gas sprays. This tool would not cause serious harm to his health and would help them escape or give him time to call the police.
In conclusion, it should be noted that no matter what prison sentence Panchev received, the lives of these women still can not be completely safe. To avoid a repeated attack, they must take drastic measures to ensure their safety. In the meantime, the women will have to attend the court sessions, as they have previously done, at which the decision on the criminal will be made.
Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney’s Office (2021). West L.A. man arrested in Federal stalking case alleging longtime harassment of female doctors at VA medical facilities. Web.