In my opinion, a person’s health of mind and body is the most important aspect of his existence. As such, health care is among the most important amenities for the community at large. The people tasked with the job of ensuring good health for all is therefore amongst the most significant person in any given society. It is with such valor that I put forward my request and interest to join this institution with an aim of pursuing a graduate program in the brain and cognitive sciences.
Since childhood, I have had an insatiable desire to understand how the human body worked. On many occasions, I recall questioning my parents and teachers on how our bodies healed, how we breathe and other physiological queries that seemed to bedazzle me. Their simplistic answers failed to quench my curiosity and as such, I developed a keen interest in sciences so as to demystify these issues.
I am at best described by my pleasant personality, diversity, principles and ambitious nature employed in all my endeavors. I am also intrigued by the diversity of human cultures and believe that each culture has something useful to offer to the world. It is for this reason that I have undertaken various tours to many parts of the world. In these tours I came into contact with different people, bearing different ideologies and approaches to life. My ability to interact with people of varying cultures stood me in good stead in these instances. I am certain that the knowledge and skills acquired in these trips will come in handy while I per take this program and also in the future as I relate to my patients.
I am very interested in understanding the full architecture of the brain and its role in coordination, vision, memory and even learning. I am confident that this program will suffice in my quest for answers and at the same time give me an opportunity to help those who require such sensitive medical care. Upon completion of this program, I hope to undertake a post-doctorate and do more research in this area. My career goal is to be among the top neurobiologist in the world and pursue extensive research projects that would lead to novel innovations in this field for the benefit of all mankind.
One of the life-changing experiences in my life was in 2004 when I embarked on a journey for self-realization to china. Here I worked in a community with members suffering from various brain diseases in Guangzhou Province. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Encephalitis were terms that I vaguely understood but working with those patients gave me insight into the severity of such diseases and their effect on human life. This work demanded patience, empathy and self-belief from me. Also, it required me to take initiative and responsibility in motivating these patients in order to successfully see the project through. Even though my help to the patients was limited it still acts as a great inspiration to me to date. It is for this reason that I aim to study more and be of even greater assistance to such people in the future.
It is therefore with clarity of mind that I have chosen this program. My passion for sciences, the acquired knowledge and skills from my experiences provide me with the necessary tools to tackle any challenge that may come with the same. I am also confident that this program offers me the best chance to prove myself and showcase my potential. It additionally presents me with an opportunity to offering beneficial services to the human race in the near future.