Strategic Localization of Organizations in Ireland Essay

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Strategic localization of organizations requires proper management and planning to ensure that the appropriate measures are considered. The purpose of an organization in its endeavours to reach its goals is a primary determinant of this localization.

For instance, if a research organization requires supply of plant materials, or needs to plant the research resources, proper climate or artificial manipulations of conditions must be considered before localization. It is crucial to consider the settlement, supply availability, communication, transport mechanisms, and target market.

Proper positioning of an organization is, also, a key determinant of profit making, efficiency, and enhances outside-in approach. The locality of an organization should be determined to fit the future progress of the region and the nation.

Positioning a large health facilities in an area that has a sparse population would imply an improper managerial strategy. For these reasons, it is vital to note and appreciate the credibility of proper localization of organizations or facilities.

In a bid to make this noticeable, I will make a comprehensive analysis that could favour Cork for biosphere plant localization.

Cork Profile

Cork is the 2nd largest city in Ireland. Cork city is situated in the south west region of the country. It is the 3rd densely populated region in the country. The climate is dynamic with significant rainfalls and absence of high temperatures.

Temperatures range from 0 to 25 degree Celsius while the airport records an average rainfall of 1228 millimetres every year. Also, it is necessary to note that the region shows persistent recording of about a week of hailstorms and between one to two weeks of snow in every year.

The most referable weather station in Cork is in Cork Airport situated in the southern part of the city.

The republic of Ireland possesses a concise establishment of high-tech industrial productions, trades and investments. The features of the economy are evidenced by the retail trading within the county.

This trade comprises of modernized shopping strategies and close neighbourhood shops distributed to provide the needs of people throughout the county. The county possesses the street of Saint Patrick that proves its economic distinctions between the regions due to its classic expenditures.

However, the rise of living cost has lead to the closure of many businesses especially due to increased rent within the city. The businesses in the region initiated a strategy where the rent rises without decreasing.

Pharmaceutical industries are evident in the region. Viagra is the key product produced to dominate the market in the region. Novartis and Pfizer Inc are the dominating employers in the region. Apart from pharmaceutical industries, there are others such as brewing, motor and food industries.

Lastly, the transport system in the county is standard with rail, air, road and ferry transport being the most assuring means of transport. Cork airport is among the key airports in Ireland and the only air entrance in the southern part. National bus operators, such as Bus Eireann, provide public transport services to the main locations.

The city has about 18 transport routes that provide quality and regulated services to the public. Cork is serviced by the main rail line from Dublin. Integration of road transport has dominated the transport system and lead to the failure of the rail transport.

Labour Market

According to the requirements of the labour experience, Cork has pharmaceutical industries that are running presently. For instance, Apple Inc is a prototype industry that provides evidence to the availability of work experience in the county.

It is possible to get experienced manufacturing engineers with the stated experience from the brewing, and other pharmaceutical industries (Drews 2003, 419). The University College of Cork is a tool of recognition in the provision process operators.

Also, the availability of the labour market does not rely on the county alone (Yeatman 1992, 457). The country has other key industries that provide skills to the people. For instance, Bostik industry is a reliable facility in the provision of skills and experience for quality control technicians in Cork.

Management and administration of biosphere has few or no challenges to encounter because the area is well improved on industrial operations.

It is, therefore, easy to get HR director, officers, and administrators. Interaction with the rest of the counties and countries in providing the industry with adequate labour supply would support this localization (Guest 2011, pp. 10).

Quality services and products rely on experience and skills on the employees (Hays & Kearney 2001, pp. 590). Since the routes of employee identification are examined, it is easy to mark the boundaries of production.

We can state that due to high experience of director in the organization, the profit, quality of service, and service delivery to the customer will be rated highly.

Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment of worker in the organization is a matter of influence to the proceeding of the company. An organization cannot afford to hire unreliable workers. Appropriate strategies to interview and determine the most fitting employees must, therefore, be determined. The recruitment methods could be determined by the following factors.

  1. The required number of employees
  2. Level of work to be performed
  3. The expected applications
  4. The category of employees such as production and management
  5. Level of skills and experience

After determining the most appropriate categorizations and dates, we can strategize a way to announce the recruitment. For instance, we could decide to recruit the employees who apply for skilled positions. In this case, we can take the first task of recruiting a 100 process operators.

When recruiting 100 individuals, the turnover expectation is high during the recruitment day. In that case, face to face interviews would consume a lot of time. Therefore, we can announce the recruitment on advance and provide interview questions to the people who applied within the time limits strictly.

This mode of interviewing filters the number into a tolerable level. If 1000 people applies for these positions, interview questions can eliminate 500 of them. The remaining 400 can, then, filter in further interview that could involve performing a practical test on operations (Shuck & Wollard 2010, pp. 95).

For instance, they could prepare a chemical with given instructions. Those who provide the right results within the shortest time are approved for the position. This interview specialises the strategies to ensure the employment of the most appropriate employees.

The advertisements to the positions could be performed countrywide through the media. We could announce all the available jobs together to save money spent on advertising.

Otherwise, we can categorize the announcements into the employees’ categories such as research and development, production, management and administration, and shared business services.

The determination of recruitment dates relies on the labour force available during that day and the methods chosen to perform the task. For instance, if only 10 people are available to recruit the employees, the recruitment methods must ensure that many people are recruited simultaneously.

The recruitment under the management and administration category can be recruited by using questions related to their roles. For instance, the roles of employees under this category must control the operations of the organization. The advertisement can, therefore, consider the roles of these workers as ways to attract them.

Others, such as shared services, require interactions within all branches of the organization. For instance, a data manager must file data from the research, management, and production. Therefore, suited employees must prove their reliability on interactive strategies within the organization.

Employees Engagement and Commitment

Recruitment is a tool to attain the right workers. However, the stimulation of workers in performance is an influential part in the determination of organizational success (Edwards & Milner 2008, pp. 79). Proper strategies to initiate and reinforce the best working mechanisms are vital for goal achievement.

In most cases, experienced employees leave their initial organizations and drain their knowledge to other competitive facilities (Frachtenberg, & Schwiegelshohn 2008, pp. 14). Managers must ensure that workers stay in their facilities willingly. It is, therefore, crucial to initiates strategies that can enhance the maintenance of workers.

This could involve rewarding workers and upgrading them. Individuals who perform well in their positions should be recognized and promoted to positions that pay well and demand less supervision. In other cases, workers are incorporated to make them feel that they own part of the running processes in the decision making processes.

When workers fail to determine their potentials and recognition in the firm, the work of fulfilling the shores of the day reduces its rating. On the other hand, when they work to provide the best of their organization or industry, they attain adequate and reliable resources that satisfy the consumer.

Interactions between the worker should be regulated by rules of the organization that ensure fair treatment. Conducive working environment attracts and retains workers (McNaughton & Bryen 2002, pp. 66).

When workers are not satisfied by the working environment, they search for organizations that provide better working conditions than the prevailing ones (Lee & Chen 2007, pp. 367).

For instance, one organization can provide some time for workers to rest or days off while the other does not provide these allowances. Since Cork has other pharmaceutical industries, it is vital to account for competition on labour.

FDA Approval

The neurological disorder of Parkinson’s disease provides bases for the establishment of the organization in Cork. The determination of proper working strategies warrants time coverage of the target year 2016 (Gupta & Smart 2007, pp. 53). Also, the availability of experienced labour force guarantees the success of the FDA approval.

This is because the earlier industries, community, and companies will have interacted to deliver the skills and the required experiences. The employees will, therefore, base their work on skills and experience to provide the company with the necessities of approval in 2016.


Proper localization of organizations determines the achievement of all businesses and facilities. An evaluation to weigh the best position for an organization approves its credibility and reliability.

When stationed properly, they offer efficient services to supply and reach a large population. Therefore, before localizing such facilities, engineers must evaluate the nature of the surrounding, the target, and the purpose of the organization.


Drews, J 2003, ‘Strategic trends in the drug industr’, Drug Discovery Today, vol. 8 no. 9, pp. 411-420.

Edwards, J & Milner, G 2008, ‘The sleeping policeman: understanding issues of enforcement and compliance in conservation’, Animal Conservation, vol. 11 no. 2, pp. 75-82.

Frachtenberg, E & Schwiegelshohn, U 2008, ‘ New Challenges of Parallel Job Scheduling’, Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, vol. 4 no. 1, pp. 1-23.

Guest, D 2011, Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers’, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 21 no. 1, pp. 3-13.

Gupta, A & Smart, P 2007, ‘New product development in the pharmaceutical and telecommunication industries: A comparative study’, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 106 no. 1, pp. 41-60.

Hays, S & Kearney, R 2001, ‘Anticipated Changes in Human Resource Management: Views from the Field’, Public Administration Review, vol. 61 no. 5, pp. 585-597.

Lee, M & Chen, T 2007, ‘Visualizing Trends in Knowledge Management’, Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, vol. 9 no 8, pp. 362-371.

McNaughton, D & Bryen, D 2002, ‘Enhancing Participation in Employment Through AAC Technologies’, Assistive Technology, vol. 14 no. 1, pp. 58-70.

Shuck, B & Wollard, K 2010, ‘Employee Engagement and HRD: A Seminal Review of the Foundations’, Human Resource Development Review, vol. 9 no. 1, pp. 89-110.

Yeatman, A 1992, ‘Women’s citizenship claims, labour market policy and globalisation’, Australian Journal of Political Science, vol. 27 no. 3, pp. 449-461

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 18). Strategic Localization of Organizations in Ireland.

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"Strategic Localization of Organizations in Ireland." IvyPanda, 18 June 2019,


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IvyPanda. 2019. "Strategic Localization of Organizations in Ireland." June 18, 2019.

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