Strategic Planning for Nursing Education Essay

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I work at South Louisiana Community College (SLCC) which has a strategic plan with goals for the 2021-2026 period. The main direction of the chosen strategy is to bring maximum benefit to students and the community (SLCC, 2021). SLCC employees must adhere to the principles of seeking everyday excellence to serve society to the highest standards (SLCC, 2021). The main goal of the strategic plan is to create an effective environment for the successful work of students. In personnel policy, SLCC adheres to a plan to educate leaders among the employees (SLCC, 2021). To keep the selected policies up to date, SLCC plans to continuously study changing market conditions (SLCC, 2021). The SLCC strategic plan does not provide specific guidance for nurses.

The strategic plan aims to develop a comfortable learning environment and support the community. The core values of the organization include responsibility, collaboration, innovation, honesty, respect, service, and trust (SLCC, 2021). These values are reflected in the strategic plan and guide its development since the main goal is to benefit students and society. My values are similar to those presented in the SLCC mission statement. I consider honesty to be the most important human quality. “As you wish that others would do to you, do so to them”, the Bible says, and I try to stick to this principle (Luke 6:31). In my professional activity, I am primarily guided by the concepts of responsibility and the desire to serve society.

Any global action requires a strategic plan, especially patient care. Strategic planning must begin by finding gaps in current practice (Uzarski & Broome, 2019). Nurses should strive to improve their practice, and as a nursing educator, I would focus on improving nursing education to raise standards of care and motivate future healthcare professionals. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to revise educational standards, taking into account the rapidly changing conditions in the field of medicine. Particular attention should begin to be given to training professionals to cope with burnout, which is especially common in nursing (Cochran et al., 2020). Another goal could be to instill a culture of continuous learning in future nurses, which will help them adapt and grow professionally.

This plan involves a global policy change, so a significant amount of paperwork will be required. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the severity of the problem. The developed strategy should also be documented for presentation to stakeholders. Reliance on patrons is essential in the implementation of the global strategy, primarily involving the heads of nursing education institutions who are also interested in improving practice. To implement the plan, it will be necessary to attract sponsors, which could be outstanding members of the community who support innovative changes.

There are omissions in the described strategic plan that can hinder implementation. The main trap of such a plan is the globality and the corresponding complexity of execution. Global changes require serious transformations; however, for a big goal, one can miss important necessary steps for its achieving. To prevent this, it is necessary to build a strategic plan so that it consists of several successive small stages. This structure helps rethink the results at each stage of the process and adapt the plan in time. Another trap may be the lack of interest on the part of the society targeted by the plan. To prevent this, it is important to frame the problem addressed in such a way that most parties see it as important and meaningful. Finally, before executing the plan, it should be clearly understood that it is feasible and will achieve measurable results.


Cochran, K. L., Moss, M., & Mealer, M. (2020). Prevalence of coping strategy training in nursing school curricula. American Journal of Critical Care, 29(2), 104-110. Web.

English Standard Version Bible (2001). Bible Gateway. Web.

South Louisiana Community College (SLCC). (2021). Strategic Plan 2021-2026. Web.

Uzarski, D., & Broome, M. E. (2019). A leadership framework for the implementation of an organization’s strategic plan. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(1), 12-17. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 25). Strategic Planning for Nursing Education.

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"Strategic Planning for Nursing Education." IvyPanda, 25 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Strategic Planning for Nursing Education'. 25 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Strategic Planning for Nursing Education." May 25, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Strategic Planning for Nursing Education." May 25, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Strategic Planning for Nursing Education." May 25, 2024.

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