McCullough, Danielle, and Ruth Gotian. “Tips for Boosting Campus Diversity.” Nature, vol. 584, no. 7822, 2020, pp. 654-655.
This source touches on minority groups’ underrepresentation in the academic field. This circumstance is adverse and requires attention and transformation in the direction of expanding diversity and inclusion in colleges. The authors point to factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic that have contributed to the increased need for these aspects. The main goal of this work is to spread awareness about the harmful effects of the lack of diversity and equality in the educational sphere.
The study of this source has led to the conclusion that it can help examine the topic of diversity and inclusion in the educational field. The primary intended audience for the source can be education providers, students, and all the people involved in this field. This is because the topic raised in it is relevant for each participant of society. In addition, the article is presented as applicable to the study of diversity in higher education and its societal impact., as it directly affects and studies it in detail. The reliability and credibility of the source are because it was created with the inclusion of data from such organizations as the Association of American Medical Colleges and the US National Science Foundation (McCullough and Gotian 654). The strong point is interventions that include programs with mentoring experiences as ways to spread diversity in the educational workplace. The drawback that can be highlighted is the lack of a description of the possible limitations of implementing these initiatives.
This scientific work may be of particular value for inclusion in this class. This is because it can help to learn about the value of diversity by understanding the negative side of its absence. Thus, the authors show the detrimental effect of inequality and under-representation in the educational sphere. Furthermore, the benefit of the source is to emphasize initiatives to strengthen diversity and inclusion.
Perkins, Leigh. “College Campus Diversity: Why It Matters.” University of South Florida. 2022. Web.
This source explicitly emphasizes the importance of diversity on the college campus and provides a detailed explanation of several main reasons supporting this statement. Moreover, the author provides several tools and tips for promoting diversity. Attention is also paid to inclusion and equality, which are inseparable from the concept of diversity.
This article provides value for studying within the class for several reasons. First, it affects the relevant topic and provides reasons for the critical nature of diversity (Perkin). In addition, it plays the role of defining and explaining for a different kind of audience and can help others better understand the issue. In other words, the source has a broad intended audience. It is relevant to the research question of diversity on a college campus and in society, as it stubbornly considers this problem. It is impossible to speak accurately about the reliability and credibility of both the author and the entire article due to the lack of links to reliable sources confirming the author’s claims, which is a drawback.
In conclusion, this source can be helpful as a tool for explaining and defining the problem of diversity in the educational sphere. This is because it justifies the value of this phenomenon. Moreover, it provides possible tools that can contribute to increasing diversity. Diversity is also emphasized through the inclusion and equality of individuals.