Substance Abuse in North Carolina: Treatment & Prevention Research Paper

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Drug abuse is another term used for substance abuse. Substance abuse signifies the continued consumption of a drug (substance) where the abuser makes use of the substance in quantities or with routines neither endorsed nor directed by healthcare experts. Substance abuse is not restricted to mood-changing or psychotropic substances.

If an action is carried out with the use of objects in opposition to the regulations and strategies of the substance (for instance, the use of steroids with the aim of performance improvement in games), it is as well abuse of the substance (Pankratz & Hallfors, 2004, pp. 353-354).

For that reason, mood-changing and psychotropic substances do not denote the only forms of substance abuse. The use of illicit substances such as hallucinogens, narcotics, sedatives, and stimulants as well falls in the bracket of drug abuse. Substance abuse frequently comprises predicaments with impulse management in addition to impulsive conduct. This research paper seeks to establish the different kinds of treatment and avoidance resources for substance abuse existing in North Carolina.

Substances (drugs)

Substance abuse does not negate addiction. Furthermore, substance abuse is employed in a comparable way in nonmedical perspectives. Substance abuse comprises an enormous range of descriptions associated with taking a psychotropic substance or drug for improvement of performance or a non-medical result.

Every one of these descriptions implies an unconstructive result of drug abuse. A number of the drugs that are frequently connected with this term (substance abuse) include alcohol, barbiturates, cocaine, heroin, and opioids among others.

Abuse of these substances might give rise to criminal penalty as well as likely social, mental, and physical harm, which strongly relies on local influence (Pankratz, & Hallfors, 2004, pp. 355-356). In North Carolina, there are a number of instances where criminal or unsociable conduct happens when an individual is under the influence of a given substance. Long-term character changes in a person might also result from drug abuse.

Additional descriptions of substance abuse are found in four major groups, viz. vernacular usage, healthcare descriptions, mass communication, and criminal justice descriptions. Internationally, drug abuse is rampant with around 120 million users. Substance abuse is simply a type of substance-associated disorder.


The treatment for drug abuse is a vital subject for North Carolina and internationally at large. Frequently, a formal involvement is essential to persuade the drug abuser to surrender to any variety of treatment. In North Carolina, the treatments that exist include behavioral interventions in addition to medications that have assisted numerous people in decreasing or stopping their drug abuse dispositions.

In addition, a number of evidence-based interventions play a key role in countering drug abuse. In the pharmacological therapy, several prescriptions like methadone and buprenorphine among others have been commended for the treatment of drug abuse (McEwen, 2009, pp. 38-39). The medications exist in either short performing or long performing type. Numerous other prescriptions are efficient including bupropion among others.

Family therapy coupled with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are the commonly used and effective methods of addressing the issue of drug abuse amongst teenagers and children in North Carolina. These treatments can be given in an array of dissimilar formats, every one having its research support. Social skills involving teaching subject to inpatient therapy of alcohol addiction is perhaps effective including administering the social background.

The Division of Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency Programs (DACDP) in North Carolina controls Drug and Alcohol Recovery Treatment (DART), which is a residential facility that offers services for male probationers. Judges might order involvement in this program as a situation of probation or North Carolina’s parole commission might order contribution as a situation of parole management (McEwen, 2009, pp. 40-42).

Partaking of probationers in this residential facility must be founded on screening and evaluation that designate chemical addiction. Commissioners from the state-financed Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC) plan and undertake the evaluation in the community to establish suitability for treatment. Treatment actions encourage realization of criminal view with respect to substance abuse conduct and involve the criminal in actions that promote practical and social knowledge.

With the institution of a clinical advancement team of trained clinical administrators and trainers, the DACPD has successfully dealt with the practice principles found in the legislation. In reality, DACDP can now offer the necessary clinical supervision and most education obligations for credentialing free of charge to the certified staff. With extended programs and additional competitive wages, the Division maintains its dedication to reinforce and increase its drug abuse treatment to the criminal population.


The prevention of the abuse of psychotropic substances, tobacco, and alcohol amongst teenagers is a significant public health objective in North Carolina. The easiest and most cost-economic method of decreasing human and communal costs of substance abuse is preventing it. Over 255 million people in the US do not make use of prohibited drugs. Around 61 million people in the US who formerly used prohibited drugs have currently stopped using them (Graham, & Mooring, 2009, pp. 50-51).

Several former users suffered because of substance abuse. Dependency, criminal participation, broken affiliations, impaired decision-making, and lost learning or job opportunities were frequent hitherto. Therefore, preventing substance abuse in North Carolina will assist in safeguarding the community since prevention is far much preferable to coping with the outcomes of substance abuse via law enforcement or treatment.

Evidence-based policies of substance abuse prevention are successful in countering use of substances (drugs). The key substance abuse prevention policies in North Carolina are those that engage comprehensive interventions that comprise the abuser, family, community, and schools. Strengthening of these policies by supportive public strategies increases their effectiveness.

The Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services (DMHDDSAS) in North Carolina has a couple of sources of finances to support society-based prevention attempts. DMHDDSAS obtains funds for substance abuse treatment and prevention from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). These finances are issued to local medical and drug abuse organizations known as Local Management Entities (LMEs).

The funds are thereafter used to back the necessary assessments and execute evidence-based programs for prevention of substance abuse. Additionally, the North Carolina General Assembly gives funds in support of local drug abuse coalitions (Graham, & Mooring, 2009, pp. 52-53). Schools in North Carolina are as well involved in teaching knowledge concerning substance abuse as part of the prevention strategy (Stein, 2009, pp. 46-49).


Substance abuse is a difficult problem that affects individuals at childhood, teenage, and adulthood. As substance abusers grow from childhood, they might display antisocial conducts, reduced self-esteem, hopelessness, and attention deficit disorder. Recognition of substance abuse is the first point on the road to curbing substance abuse since many abusers hide their dependence, resulting to the failure of family members to know or admit the predicament (Pankratz, & Hallfors, 2004, pp. 357-358).

The DACDP in North Carolina plays a key role in treatment strategies whereas DMHDDSAS plays a major part in prevention policies. With augmented information on chemical addiction, one can keep off from substance abuse and persuade a victim to seek the support required to stop substance abuse inclinations.

Reference List

Graham, P., & Mooring, P. (2009). The emerging role of prevention and community coalitions: working for the greater good. North Carolina Medical journal, 70 (1), 50-53.

McEwen, S. (2009). Substance abuse screening and brief intervention in primary care. North Carolina Medical journal, 70 (1) 38-42.

Pankratz, M. M., & Hallfors, D. (2004). Implementing evidence-based substance abuse prevention curricula in North Carolina public school districts. Journal of School Health, 74 (9), 353-358.

Stein, F. (2009). Making the public mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse system more accessible: an invitation to recovery. North Carolina Medical Journal, 70 (1), 46-49.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). Substance Abuse in North Carolina: Treatment & Prevention.

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"Substance Abuse in North Carolina: Treatment & Prevention." IvyPanda, 6 Nov. 2018,


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IvyPanda. 2018. "Substance Abuse in North Carolina: Treatment & Prevention." November 6, 2018.

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