Sustainability refers to preserving the environment and protecting the earth’s resources from the extraction of raw materials. One important feature of sustainability is its “long-term protection and health of the natural environment” (McFarlane & Ogazon, 2011, p. 85).
CSR’s important activity is environmental protection. People hate businesses that pollute but would love to hear about firms promoting environmental sustainability. Many firms now work to create alternative sources of energy such as wind power and solar energy, and they have worked substantial progress in this area. Their efforts in the area of environmental sustainability are contents of sustainability reporting that show how businesses affect the natural environment and the community in which they thrive.
This important report provides information to the stakeholder’s programs and information about the firm’s accomplishments on labor relations, production, energy conservation, environmental sustainability, and moral practices. Promoting employees’ welfare and work-life balance is part of this report (David, 2011).
World standards bodies encourage members to provide sustainability reporting. One such body is the Global Reporting Initiative, which issues guidelines detailing the necessary information that should accompany sustainability reports. Firms that provide sustainability reporting are firms that look after the environment, their employees, and the people they serve.
David, F. (2011). Strategic management: Concepts and cases (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
McFarlane, D. & Ogazon, A. (2011). The challenges of sustainability education. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 3(3), 81-107. Web.