Security Threats in Social Sites Report

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There are quite a couple of benefits for a firm that invests in information security. The ability to cope effectively with today’s security threats in social sites such as web hacking to steal consumer identity, and other internet disruptions is at the verge.

Insecurity has caused complexity and slow progression in delivery of products and services in the virtual market since people want to countercheck viability before any engagements. Risks involved in virtual transactions or commitments are huge threats especially sites such as Facebook, MySpace or emails servers, since they necessitate submission of personal information.

Today, information requires proper security for an effective collaboration. The service providers are able to invest heavily on the security due to possible negative effect, for instance the recent attacks on giant search engines, Google and Yahoo in China. Major risks may include stolen patent laws, compromise of data integrity and worse cases such as total loss and manipulation of information to gain profits.

Various government regulations and business policies or requirements quantify the sites’ information security as a competitive advantage. Regulations make the customer to feel comfortable transacting in such firms and provide a legal platform in case of violations.

The group sites and other social accounts must engage security measures to ensure privacy of information. Contrasting speculations that the sites lack security or privacy, the involved firms recognize benefits of investing in Information Security, thus the need to understanding methodologies behind risks experienced by the clients (Schneier, 2009).

Security is quantifiable through evaluation of performance or comparison between the prospective or potential competitors. The quantitative risk analysis shows how the control adds value in a reputable and comparable manner. Lack of major cases involving private data violations is a good sign of enhanced privacy.

Companies are able to control the data losses by investing in proper security control measures such as server configurations.

Today, ability to prove availability of system security such as assuring privacy of data or information in social sites falls upon business proceedings. None of the companies that manage social sites has experienced critical performance hitches such as bleach of data or highly impacts on reputation due to compromised clients’ data.

Although it is difficult to predict the value and amount of Information Security that protect privacy, it is helpful and important to determine availability. Data privacy depends on information security, which also ensures full protection of the information and systems from attacks such as unauthorized access, malicious attacks, theft, unauthorized disclosure or use, disruptions and illegal modifications.

As a standard in support of privacy, information security has to involve safe usage and transfers. Security enhances easy and quick data and information exchange for the end-users during communication in both private and public networks. Information security is more beneficial in the public domain because of the advanced setup and high possibilities of attacks.

Today the security of data links that are more susceptible to exploration occurs through data encryption or public key cryptography, which is a very common practice by the companies owning the collaborative sites (Schneier, 2009). When using the sites, a consumer can note protection of profiles as an assurance over application.

Enhanced government policies and regulations ensure protection of privacy, intellectual property rights and enhance management of information by defending against challenges of unauthorized system access. Another protective mechanism involves isolation of untrusted form of malicious or unsecure users through authentication and enhancement procedures.

The information security protocol also prevents systems’ attacks by locking down the server systems or ensuring only authorized access.

The operational procedures during the security enhancement process involves checking eavesdropping and, enhancing use of strong passwords to stop gathering of information by the system users or visitors through authentication of access. The security procedures also enhance encryption of information during transfers between servers or other workstations (Easttom, 2006).


Easttom, C. (2006). Network Defense and counter measures principles and practices: Security Series. Pearson Prentice Hall.

Schneier, B. (2009). Security ROI Fact and Fiction. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 14). Security Threats in Social Sites.

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"Security Threats in Social Sites." IvyPanda, 14 May 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Security Threats in Social Sites'. 14 May.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Security Threats in Social Sites." May 14, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Security Threats in Social Sites." May 14, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Security Threats in Social Sites." May 14, 2018.

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