Coherent society can be characterized by the blistering development of digital technologies. Twenty years ago, it was impossible to imagine the existence of a device that will be able to combine different functions and provide limitless access to petabytes of information. However, nowadays, new and new means of conveying information appear, and that is why it becomes so important. There is no use denying the fact that knowledge is the basis of successes. That is why people try to obtain it. With this in mind, new means of data processing are applied to different spheres of activity of human beings. Resting on these facts, it is no wonder that the issue of big data became very popular in modern society
Nowadays, the term big data is used to describe the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured (“Big Data,” n.d.). It means that a great amount of information became available for people, and there are no problems with its storage and usage. Cloud services allow people to use petabytes of information every day. Additionally, it is impossible to foresee any limits for the further development of these technologies. People have a great need in remedies which will be able to provide access to different information. Any need leads to the search for the ways of its fulfillment. With this in mind, it is possible to predict the further development of big data and all technologies connected with this issue.
However, another problem appeared. It is very difficult to control such a huge stream of data, and sometimes the information obtained with the help of the Internet or different cloud services can be unreliable or false. There are several reasons for giving false information, starting with some private motifs and ending with the attempts to get benefits. However, the fact remains. It is impossible to trust every bit of information which we obtain from different sources. It should be strongly recommended for people to use only credible sources and check the information obtained on the Internet.
Nevertheless, big data also provides great number of opportunities for people. It is much easier for students to write essays or reports now (Marcus & Ernest, 2014). However, some serious problems can also be solved with the help of data analysis. The marketing sphere is a good example of the possible application of the issue of big data. It is obvious that to make some serious marketing decision, a company should take into account and analyze a great number of different variables which are peculiar to the market. However, under new conditions, it is much easier to do it as there are no problems connected with the data harvesting (Marr, 2013).
A company is able to get almost all information from different sources and make a decision resting on the analysis of this data. Moreover, a company can organize its further development taking into account the information on the past behavior of some other peculiarities of the market.
Having analyzed the information connected with the issue of big data, it is possible to make a certain conclusion. First of all, it should be said that a great amount of information, which is available now, can make the life of people much easier. However, people should also be aware of some false data which can be dangerous for their business or even life. With this in mind, a deep analysis of all information obtained from non credible sources is needed.
Big Data. (n.d.) Sas.com. Web.
Marcus, G. & Ernest D. (2014). Eight (No, Nine!) Problems With Big Data. The New York Times. Web.
Marr, B. (2013). The Awesome Ways Big Data Is Used Today To Change Our World. Web.