Grade Level: 2.
Subject Area: Science.
Subject Matter
Types and Functions of Teeth
Key Vocabulary
To be set in a way that allows students to learn content material and, at the same time, facilitate the development of English skills. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes:
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
- Name all the teeth found in the mouth.
- Tell the functions of the teeth.
Objectives (Standards addressed)
Students will learn the names of different kinds of teeth found in the human mouth. Afterward, the students will discuss the functions of the different kinds of teeth.
Materials Needed
- Apples, cut into small pieces.
- A worksheet.
- Modeling clay to be used for class cooperative activity.
- A chart showing different types of human teeth, namely incisor, bicuspid, and the molar.
- A pair of scissors (to demonstrate how some teeth are used to cut pieces of food); a picture of a mortar and pestle (to demonstrate how some teeth are used to mash food); a picture of a grinder (to demonstrate how some teeth are used to grind food); and a piece of hard paper (to demonstrate how some teeth are used to tear food).
- Overhead transparency.
Procedure/Method of Instruction
Intro Activity
The teacher begins the lesson by assessing/evaluating the students’ prior knowledge and understanding of the different types of teeth and their functions. This should be done in a non-coercive and non-graded manner. Assessment of prior knowledge about the subject matter should assist the teacher in appraising the students’ skill set.
To entail the following:
- Go over the key vocabulary together with the students, pronouncing each word and paraphrasing where necessary.
- Teacher to use the pair of scissors to demonstrate to the students how the incisor cuts food; a picture of mortar and pestle to demonstrate the bicuspid mash food; a picture of a grinder to demonstrate how the molar grinds food; tear the hard piece of paper to demonstrate how the incisor is used to tear food. This is aimed at reinforcing the pictures of the different types of teeth and their functions into the students’ minds to cater to content material.
- Students point to each tooth drawn in the chart and employ props to show or reveal function.
- Cluster students into small groups (diad or triad), then instruct them to bite a piece of apple with the selected tooth to practically experience the function of a tooth, i.e., cut, mash, grind, and tear.
- The groups to work independently to construct different types of teeth, as depicted in the chart, using the modeling clay. Afterward, groups to complete worksheets and exchange intergroup for marking/grading. Overhead transparency to be utilized in this exercise to facilitate the oral presentation.
Teacher to employ the following:
- Slower and clearly articulate speech to enhance comprehension of key vocabulary as students learn content material.
- Visuals – chart with different types of teeth; apples; scissors; a picture of grinder; and a picture of mortar and pestle. The visuals are aimed at enhancing student comprehension.
- Elaboration of speech during class discussions and demonstrations aimed at developing students’ oral proficiency.
Checking for Understanding
To follow the following procedures.
- Teacher to circulate between the formed groups, name a tooth, and keenly note if the students are employing the named tooth to bite the apple.
- Request students with lower proficiency/understanding to point or employ single word answers in naming the different types of teeth, while students with high proficiency/understanding are requested to explain the functions of the teeth.
- Students requested to describe a function of a tooth, while partners are requested to identify the specific tooth. Teacher to circulate between groups and offer assistance when needed.
Remind students today they learned about the different types of teeth and their functions. The teacher can summarily/briefly mention what has been learned over the lesson for more comprehension of vocabulary and content material.
- Students to use their worksheet to draw the different types of teeth, label them, and tell their functions.
- Teacher to provide a comprehensive review of learned key vocabulary.
- Teacher to provide a comprehensive review of learned content material.
- Teacher to clarify, discuss, and correct students’ responses through feedback.
- Teacher to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of students’ comprehension and learning.
Reference List
Echavarria, J. (1995). Sheltered instruction for students with learning disabilities who have limited English proficiency. Intervention in School & Clinic, 30(5), 302-315.
Echavarria, J., Vogt, M., & Short, D.J. (2007). Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP Model, 3rd Ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.