The American Psychological Association Writing Style Essay

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Writing in the APA style follows various formatting specifications that differ from other writing styles. First, papers written in APA style must be double-spaced and use one-inch margins on all sides of the paper. The primary font used in papers written in APA style is 12-point and should be used throughout the paper. The paragraphs in an essay written in APA format should be indented uniformly. The work title or paper should be centered, and the name of the students, educator and institutions indicated (Fallon et al., 2018). The APA style also requires that the course name and submission date are indicated on the title page.

Writing in APA style is also characterized by numbering all the pages, and the page number is indicated at the top right of each page. Level 1 headings in APA style are bold, centered, and contain uppercase and lowercase characters. Level 2 headings are bolded, left-aligned, and contain uppercase and lowercase characters (Fallon et al., 2018). Level 3 headings are left-aligned, bolded, italicized, and contain uppercase and lowercase characters. Level 4 headings are indented, bolded, end with a period, and contain uppercase and lowercase characters. All the sources used in an APA paper are indicated on a separate page at the end and titled “references.”

The use of APA in PowerPoint follows a similar format to the one used in word documents. PowerPoint contains citations primarily inserted in the speaker notes, although they can be indicated inside the slides (Fallon et al., 2018). All the sources used in PowerPoint are referenced on a separate slide at the end of the work and titled “references.” PowerPoint must have a title slide that contains the main topic, name of the students and instructor, course title and date of submission.


Fallon, M., Mahon, M. A., & Coyle, M. (2018). . Teaching of Psychology, 45(4), 324-332. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 6). The American Psychological Association Writing Style.

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"The American Psychological Association Writing Style." IvyPanda, 6 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The American Psychological Association Writing Style'. 6 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The American Psychological Association Writing Style." May 6, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The American Psychological Association Writing Style." May 6, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The American Psychological Association Writing Style." May 6, 2024.

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