The Balance between Good Work Conditions and Productivity Report (Assessment)

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The balance between good work conditions for the employees and their productivity to complete the goals set by the organization is essential. At a recruitment interview, I will say that HR is responsible for the productive work of the employees in the organization, and creating the context in which they can fulfill their potential is vital to their responsibilities. I would divide my answer into three sections to illustrate the points separately. Job design, benefits, and payment are three essential components that allow the company to support its employees’ motivation over the long term.

Job design is the basis of the company’s productivity, and its practical application shows whether the organization can reach its goals. The notion of job design supposes that every employee has the duties they understand, which means that their contribution to the company’s productivity is fixed. By creating a clear job design vision, the employees will understand the end goal of their work, which adversely impacts their productivity. The employees need to learn how to optimize the processes to achieve the organizational aims, and they feel their contribution is insignificant. Unclear job design reduces the company’s productivity and could be better for the employees.

Even though job design is not developed only by the HR specialist, their opinion on this matter is critical. The HR can help the manager define the organizational goals, determine how to achieve these aims, and articulate the employees’ responsibilities the team needs to fulfill the task. When HR chooses candidates for a particular position, they should pay attention to the qualities and competencies the potential employee has. In addition, HR can communicate the job design to the employees transparently to ensure that productivity and positive environment goals are reached.

HR can influence the benefits the particular employee receives because their responsibility is to see the team member’s work results and evaluate them. First, HR should trace the performance of the employees and analyze it. The HR specialist should elaborate on the benefits system to support the employees’ motivation to work hard. In this case, the team members understand that their work will not be neglected, and all their efforts will be compensated. It increases their productivity and supports the atmosphere of professional development in the organization.

The level of payment also depends on the opinion of the HR specialist, which makes the interaction between the team members and the HR essential. It is vital to remember that the view of HR influences the employee’s salary and their position in the organization. HR is among those leaders whose responsibility is to organize the work in the company and to ensure that all people are in their proper places in the team. Therefore, HR should elaborate the objective judgment about every employee and the payment they deserve for their work. In addition, it is crucial to trace the activity of the employees to support their motivation with benefits.

The contribution the HR specialist can make to ensure that all employees work in a good environment and their actions increase the organization’s productivity is essential. They are responsible for the good job design, payment, and benefits system that make the processes in the company optimal. The clear vision of the job design allows the employees to reach the organizational goals better while adequate payment and benefits support their motivation for professional development and dedication.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). The Balance between Good Work Conditions and Productivity.

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"The Balance between Good Work Conditions and Productivity." IvyPanda, 26 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Balance between Good Work Conditions and Productivity'. 26 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Balance between Good Work Conditions and Productivity." May 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Balance between Good Work Conditions and Productivity." May 26, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Balance between Good Work Conditions and Productivity." May 26, 2024.

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