The selected film is called The Biggest Little Farm, directed by John Chester, who as well, along with Mark Monroe, are the screenwriters. John Chester is the lead cameraman, and Mallory Cunningham, Kyle Romanek, Benji Lanfer, and Chris Martin help him conduct the camerawork. This film was released in 2018 in the USA and is a documentary. The actors are John and Molly Chester, Lydia Hicks, and Matthew Pilachowski.
The Biggest Little Farm
The Biggest Little Farm is an autobiographical story about the joys and vicissitudes of farm life. Director John Chester and his wife Molly leave Los Angeles to establish an organic farm in southern California. In 8 years, they will have to experience a lot, from the euphoria of returning to the roots to the misfortunes in the form of an invasion of coyotes and forest fires. However, the general intonation remains joyful — a combination of optimism of people who are sure that they are doing the right thing. Gradually, the farm grew and became similar to the one that the Chesters imagined in their dreams.
This film was not created to enjoy fictional characters’ beautiful outfits and scenery. The film is a documentary and shows the real life and the desire of the husband and wife to create their wonderful farm where they can grow vegetables and fruits, as well as have different animals. It is precisely because this film is not fictitious but full of real-life emotions, nothing is hidden from the eyes of the audience, and it delights me.
The selected film was not in vain, granted many prizes and awards, as it is inspiring, demonstrating all the beauty of the wildlife. Actors treat their idea with love and tenderness, and they obviously adore everything connected with real farm life. I would be pleased to recommend this film, as it is more than just entertaining. The script and dialogues cannot be called strong, but this was not the main task of the screenwriter. The main purpose was to show how beautiful the world is and the creations of nature, as well as to demonstrate the desire and chic result of people who decided to leave the everyday urban life and become farmers.
The director and cinematographers focused their attention on all the beauty of nature and demonstrated it from different shooting points throughout the film. The 29:25-30:00 (Chester) minutes of the film were beautifully shot, in which they showed fertile soil, a view of a green plot of land from above, and other incredible episodes. Undoubtedly, such an extensive, bright, animated film did not remain without the audience’s attention, and later the Chesters shot the second part.
In conclusion, the film The Biggest Little Farm was directed by John Chester, who also acted as an actor, screenwriter, and cameraman. The film is a documentary and therefore does not set goals to demonstrate fiction to the audience. It shows the real life of people who have decided to change their paths radically and become farmers with their livestock. Although the film did not claim to have intense dialogues, new soundtracks, and dynamic scenes, it was still able to leave a positive impression on the audience and attracted the attention of the film industry and earned many awards. There is no acting in it, only the life of people and the entire living habitat.
Work Cited
Chester, John, director. The Biggest Little Farm. Impact Partners, 2018.