Having originated in Europe in the late 1850s, the British Art movement took an important place in the pantheon of artistic trends that defined the further evolution of art. Moreover, despite being a comparatively old movement, it still affects the choices made by artists in the arts and craft area. The relevance of the British arts and crafts movement can be confirmed by looking at some contemporary artworks. However, the relevance of the movement may have been reduced due to the emergence of the trends toward a more chaotic depiction of reality.
The British arts and crafts movement is deemed to be linked closely to the Medieval concept of art, which favored simplicity and straightforwardness over the complexity of metaphors. Although the modern reiteration of art pieces as the means of reflecting reality directly seems to have been replaced with the idea of exploring more intricate ways of expression, the idea of using bluntness in art has stayed.
However, the context in which the specified simplicity has been utilized in present-day art has been shifted significantly. Namely, the application of simple forms has been used as the tool for conveying a particular emotion, such as that one of emptiness, sophistication, elegance, or a complex vignette of allusions or metaphors. Being geared to meta-analysis to a significantly greater degree than its predecessors are, modern art does not seem to be satisfied with the use of simplicity at its face value. Thus, the British arts and crafts movement has affected the present-day artistic landscape, causing contemporary artists to explore the opportunities of simple forms. With a plethora of options for using metaphors in art pieces as a means of alluding to well-known artworks, authors have managed to create unique art that could speak to all generations of viewers.

Author: Tauba Auerbach (“Ligature Drawing”)
Title: Ligature Drawing, 2018
Medium: Ink on paper
Work Cited
“Ligature Drawing.” TaubaAuerbach.com, 2018. Web.