The British Crime Survey’s Strengths and Weaknesses Essay

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The British Crime Survey’s main purpose is to check the crime level and the number of affected people in England. During the survey, any victim can lie or provide false information. There could be many reasons for that such as threats. Many people may not understand the seriousness of the survey and ignore the fact that how can it be useful in measuring the crime level.

A number of questions are asked to check that how many individuals are the victims during one year of the time frame that the sixties. Respondents are asked to provide background information and analyze the people if they are victims.

For better results, area information of basic interest of the victim such as police contact, crime fear, and lifestyle is also collected.

The British Crime Survey form is compared as a quality method for research, in which victim’s data is collected, analyzed, and processed. They can use charts and graphs according to give more effect on the range of gathered findings (Examination of BCS).

The investigation performed by the British Crime Survey is in the form of an interview, which is not easy for the interviewer. The interviewer’s answers to the asked questions can be a discrepancy due to the understanding of the query.

The analysis of the data process is complex. The biggest challenge for an investigator is to make a list that is simple and questions are asked generally anyone can answer easily. However, this simplicity can miss the most appropriate way to ask a question which can be harsh. This can be helpful in those areas where the crime level is high and the education level is low comparatively. The BCS surveys format is based on two methods. First is the interview, and the second is a survey. It is necessary for the researcher to make sure that many selected interviewers reply when they distribute the questionnaire. To tell the complete true scenario to the researcher is really hard for the participant to recall information for the controversial question (British Crime Survey).

In 1998, 390 reported incidents were led by threats; this number indicates eight percent of the reported confrontation according to the British Crime Survey. The possibility of the analysis of the occurred incidents, which led to intimidation is fifteen percent, which likely follows the vandalism and violence offenses. Women receive more threats as compared to men and mostly those incidents are domestic. In eighty-five percent of cases, harassers are the offenders who are originally wanted. In most cases, the harasser is a friend or family. 41% of women received threats from ex-partners or current ones. Physical assaults involve 6% (Tarling, Dowds and Budd).

It’s not easy to evidence or report an incident that occurred around you or with you. The survey not only includes the victim but the witnesses. Everything around you can make you put yourself in the investigation or in the survey list. The percentage always fluctuates after every annual analysis.

According to the British crime report 2008/09, the ratio of violent crime was stable comparatively. Apparently, the 4% crime ratio fall was obvious and not statically considerable.

BCS reports of 2008/09, violent crime remained stable compared with the previous year (the obvious 4% fall was not statistically significant). The recorded crime at police departments against a person is also decreased by 6%. As per BCS, the domestic burglary level has not changed as compared to measures. Police burglary report also confirmed a little change with one percent in domestic and two percent in non-domestic burglaries (Kershaw, Flatley and Walker).

The latest 2009/10 figure by the British crime surveys reveals that overall 9.6 million crimes were measured. 9% of the crimes fall as compared with the previous year in which the crime ratio was 10.5 million. Police recorded 4.3 million crimes in 2009/10, and the fall compared with2008/09 which was 4.7 million crimes was 8% decreased.

Vehicle crimes showed marked falls, as per British Crime survey 17% and as per police record 16% comparatively (July 15, 2010: Latest National Crime Figures).

In the report on robbery and theft from a person, the British crime survey reported a 28% fall during 2008/09 and 2009/10. However, it increased by 25% in the previous year and the record is now similar. As per police, a 3% increase was seen between 2008/09 and 2009/10(July 15, 2010: Latest National Crime Figures).

Violent crime as per the British crime survey was a fall of 1% compared with 2008/09 and 2009/10. As per police, the reduction was 4% in violent crime, both violence and injury rates are 5%, and without injury, violence rate is 3%(July 15, 2010: Latest National Crime Figures).

The sanction detection ratio as per 2009/10 was 27.8% with a slight fall from the previous year, which was 28.4%. As per the British crime survey, to be a victim in crime risk in 2009/10 was 21.5%, and compared with 2008/09, a fall from 23.3% was seen. This is the lowest since 1981 when the British crime survey was started and the figure was 27.7% and in 1995, it fell down from 39.7% (July 15, 2010: Latest National Crime Figures).

If we check such trend then the British crime survey progress in crime rose from 1981. The peak time was 1999s. The crime ratio fell piercingly until 2004/05 before leveling of falls in 2006/0, 2007/08 and compared with the surveys done recently (July 15, 2010: Latest National Crime Figures).


“A critical examination of the British Crime Survey.” N.D. MindRelief. Web.

.” n.d. Example Essays. Web.

Carrabine, Eamonn, et al. “Chapter 3: Researching Crime.” Criminology. 2nd. 2009.

“Latest National Crime Figures.” Crime Links (2010).

Kershaw, Chris, et al. “Crime in England and Wales.” Home Office Statistical Bulletin (2009).

Tarling, Roger, Lizanne Dowds, and Tracey Budd. Victim and Witness Intimidation:Findings from the British Crime Survey. London: Crown copyright, 2000.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 21). The British Crime Survey's Strengths and Weaknesses.

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IvyPanda. 2022. "The British Crime Survey's Strengths and Weaknesses." March 21, 2022.

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