Introductory Statement
The given memo will provide a review and a conclusion on the case of a dormitory alcohol violation and loud noise.
Findings and Results
Upon reviewing the documents regarding the alcohol violations, the residence assistants, John and Bill, are found to follow the guidelines. In housing, section 3.5.2, it states that the “authorized representative reserves the right to […] searching that room for […] violations” (Housing Code, n.d.). As John and Bill saw the boxes of what seemed like alcohol, they had the right to enter and search the premises. Consequently, alcohol was found present in the refrigerator and in a “brown paper grocery bag” (Summary of Interview with Resident Assistants, n.d.). However, in their appeal, the student stressed “non-involvement and unawareness,” claiming that they entered the room for the purpose of studying and that the noise, which was emphasized by the reporting student, was the result of the appealing student learning to dance with their friend (Letter of Appeal Submitted by Student – Level 1, n.d.). It has come to my attention that the Associate Dean of Students rejected the appeal of the student on the grounds of the veracity of violations.
Conclusion and Recommendation
From the information that has been retrieved, it seems that there is a lack of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt in regard to the appealing student. While alcohol was found on the premises, and it is prohibited by the housing code, the appealing student does not reside in the room in question, and there was no sign of substance use. Nevertheless, given that there was a reported smell of alcohol in the room, it is reasonable to impose a $50 fine as a warning, as recommended by the housing code in Figure 1. In the given circumstances, there is no necessity for disciplinary probation or a $100 fine. The recommendation is to impose a $50 fine on students who were found drinking in their rooms with no signs of dangerous behavior toward others. For those who were present in the rooms with alcohol, which was found during a search, but no signs of alcohol use were observed, a warning is sufficient.
Housing Code. (n.d.)
Letter of Appeal Submitted by Student – Level 1. (n.d.)
Summary of Interview with Resident Assistants. (n.d.)