The Colgate and Vaccine Advertisements Report

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This video was chosen as a video demonstrating The Central Route Processing: . A video that shows the Peripheral Route Processing: .

A video that demonstrates the need for coronavirus vaccination uses central processing because it is based on evidence. Colgate paste advertising uses a peripheral way because it uses hints that help to understand the essence of advertising without serious reflection. The advertising of the paste uses a dialogue between an adult and children about the importance of brushing teeth to prevent caries. The vaccination advertisement demonstrates the importance of medical intervention that will help protect the life and health of loved ones and all of humanity. To be a video with central processing, it is necessary to avoid common phrases, and focus on figures and facts. With a peripheral message, on the contrary, it is necessary to make the video easy to understand, but with the implication of one main topic.

Both videos are designed for different lifestyles, gender, interests, and so on, but still the video advertising toothpaste is designed mainly for children, and the vaccination video for adults. The Colgate advertisement presents an easy dialogue between an adult and children so that this information is more understandable for a children’s audience. Advertising of the vaccine is a priori designed for the adult population, that is, for people from the age of 18. Both videos are attractive to their target audience as they clearly explain the need for advertised things for each person. The video with the paste promises to protect teeth from caries, and the video with vaccination promises to stop the spread of a dangerous virus.

In order to transform pasta advertising from peripheral to central, it is necessary to provide people with actual digital data. They will demonstrate by an obvious example the importance of using toothpaste to prevent the development of caries. To make the central vaccination advertisement peripheral, it is necessary to present it less serious, to make it easier to perceive, for example, in the form of a dialogue of young people, without actual data.


Colgate Nigeria. (2020). [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Linn County Iowa. (2021). [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 13). The Colgate and Vaccine Advertisements.

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"The Colgate and Vaccine Advertisements." IvyPanda, 13 Oct. 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'The Colgate and Vaccine Advertisements'. 13 October.


IvyPanda. 2023. "The Colgate and Vaccine Advertisements." October 13, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "The Colgate and Vaccine Advertisements." October 13, 2023.


IvyPanda. "The Colgate and Vaccine Advertisements." October 13, 2023.

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