The Concert “Mozart: Truth Through Beauty” Report

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Concert Description

The concert Mozart: Truth Through Beauty included several pieces by Mozart that were composed in different periods of Mozart’s lifetime. The first performed piece was Ah, se il crudel periglio from Lucia Silla. To be precise, it is an aria from the second act of the Italian opera Lucio Silla. The voice part for this aria is Soprano, fach is dramatic coloratura.

The second piece was Cosi dunque tradisci …Aspri rimorsi! It is a separate classical aria performed in F minor key, written for bass voice part.

Andro ramingo e solo from Idomeneo was the third piece. It is a piece from the third act of the opera that includes four roles of Idomeneo, Idamante, Elettra, and Ilia for the voice parts of the Tenor, Tenor, Soprano, and Soprano respectively.

The fourth piece was Susanna, or via sortite. It is a piece from the second part of The Marriage of Figaro. It includes three roles of Count Almaviva, Rosina, Susanna that are performed by the Baritone, Soprano, and Soprano voice parts. Followed by this piece was the excerpt from the finale of the second act of the opera which was the fifth piece.

Non ti fidar, o misera came next. It is a piece from the first act of the Don Giovanni. It includes four roles: Donna Elvira, Donna Anna, Don Ottavio, and Don Giovanni. The roles are performed by the Soprano, Soprano, Tenor, and Baritone voices. After this came the aria Dalla sua pace from the same act of Don Giovanni. It includes only the role of Don Ottavio that was performed in the Tenor voice. The excerpt from the finale of the first act concluded this part of the concert.

Il core vi dono opened the following part of the performance. It was performed in duet by the Mezzo-Soprano and Baritone voices that represented Dorabella and Guglielmo. It is a piece from the second act of the Cosi Fan Tutte opera.

Next came the Bei Männern piece from The Magic Flute. It was also performed in duet, this time by the Soprano and Baritone. The roles performed in this part were of Pamina and Papageno. This piece was taken from the first act of the opera. The concert was concluded by the performance of Der welcher wandert diese Strasse… Tamino mein! It is taken from the second act of The Magic Flute. It was performed by the Tenor, Soprano, Tenor, and Bass.

Composer’s Background

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a music artist that composed a significant number of musical pieces in the classical period of musical history. Mozart was born on January 27, 1756, and was taught to play different musical instruments since he was six years old. During his lifetime, Mozart performed and worked with various prominent musicians. This resulted in creating various musical pieces in many genres that are characterized by their bright emotional palette and lyrics of high complexity.

During his early life and tours, Mozart mostly referred to himself as Wolfgang Amadé or Wolfgang Gottlieb. He and his sister Maria Anna were the only two siblings of the wealthy and well-respected family that survived. Mozart spent most of his life composing and touring in different countries and cities where he was widely known and held in respect by the overwhelming part of the population and the musical community alike.

Mozart’s disease became apparent when he was in Paris in 1791. For a short period, Mozart was still able to perform and compose. However, the illness became critically acute on November 20. Shortly after, on December 5, Mozart passed away; Mozart was buried in a common grave outside Vienna.

Works Cited

“Biography of Mozart.” Wolfgang Amadeus, 2017. Web.

Sadie, Stanly. “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Austrian Composer.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2017. Web.

“Wolfgang Mozart.” The Biography, 2017, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 27). The Concert “Mozart: Truth Through Beauty”.

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"The Concert “Mozart: Truth Through Beauty”." IvyPanda, 27 Jan. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'The Concert “Mozart: Truth Through Beauty”'. 27 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "The Concert “Mozart: Truth Through Beauty”." January 27, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "The Concert “Mozart: Truth Through Beauty”." January 27, 2022.


IvyPanda. "The Concert “Mozart: Truth Through Beauty”." January 27, 2022.

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