The Conference of Birds by Peter Sis represents a great piece of art, as the illustrations fascinate readers with the atmosphere of mystery and the great number of birds represented in them. The journey to the mountain of Kaf plays a central role in the plot. The Hoopoe bird seeks to persuade thousands of birds to join him on the long journey to legendary Simorgh, king of all birds. Simorgh is expected to know everything about life and the ways of mitigating current crises.
The Hoopoe bird starts its speech by mentioning numerous issues that may actually seem modern, such as discontent, fights over territories, and poisoned air. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the birds eventually find excuses to justify their unwillingness to fly over oceans and mountains (Sis, 2013). Only 30 birds finally managed to complete the journey only to realize that they themselves are the Simorgh and have the knowledge and the inner sense of justice needed to improve the world. The journey, which is depicted in the book, represents people’s strong desire to investigate laws of nature that run the world and acquire the wisdom needed to improve life on the planet. Moreover, the book centers around the types of communication that people use in order to enhance the organization. The influence which the right message may have on a broad audience when using the right tools is also a major topic of the book.
The way Peter Sis draws numerous obstacles that the birds have to overcome serves as a metaphor illustrating the unusual perception of leaving one place and heading for another. Peter Sis, born in then-Communist Czechoslovakia, used his childhood memories to accurately and emotionally represent the desire to wander, see other lands, and gain various types of experience. The Iron Curtain did not allow citizens of his country to visit nations that seemed to be so close. Childhood dreams about freedom and the irresistible strive for the journey are, arguably, the key factor for the book’s immense success and popularity. Moreover, the author tends to use an astonishing number of tiny details in order to create a unique style. He dedicated plenty of time to drawing thousands of birds, each of different colors and shapes. All of these birds are depicted on most of the book’s pages.
The pictures of the great flock flying over completely different types of terrain excite readers, as their emotions and associations are centered around the sense of ultimate freedom. The amount of work put into depicting each bird also contributes to the specific perception of this picture book created for adults. What is more, Peter Sis uses specific fonts and manages to fit them in his illustrations perfectly, which eliminates the border between the text and the illustrations. Sometimes, lines almost flow and replicate birds’ silhouettes, which alters not only the perception of the text but also the intonation needed to provide a dramatic effect.
The images of the birds that race towards unknown lands with the hope of acquiring crucial knowledge touch heartstrings and make readers empathize with their emotions and acknowledge their willpower. The journey itself is strongly associated with all the pain and effort required to evolve both emotionally and spiritually. Therefore, the book uses great visual tools, from multiple colors and small details to constantly changing scale, to show the importance of each human being’s journey. The fact that all the birds look completely different further emphasizes that idea, highlighting the vital part diversity plays in humanity’s evolution.
What is more, McLuhan’s famous phrase “the medium is the message” and the complex idea of a figure and ground itself can be applied to the book (McLuhan, 1965). Joel (2020) notes that the media actually becomes more important than the content itself. From the moment people acquired tools that allow them to reach a broad audience, media is becoming an increasingly important factor shaping our societies, norms, and behavior patterns. The information delivered by the media gradually becomes merely a tool in the hands of those who control the information stream.
Moreover, the trust of thousands of people becomes a new type of resource, leading to completely different outcomes. For instance, one can use the media to spread what is now called fake news. Nevertheless, sometimes, the ability to engrain vital visual symbols in the minds of thousands of people may result in substantial motivation and expiration, which allows for enthusiastic implementation of much-needed changes. The book by Peter Sis provides a specific example of the great influence a speech may have on people when delivered to a broad audience. The original story, which has been processed and illustrated by Sis, may contain great early thoughts on the matter as well.
Hoopoe’s ability to persuade thousands of other birds to search for something they are not aware of is fascinating. What is more, the orator manages not only to insist on his solution but to raise the issue in the first place. Without him, the birds most likely would not even realize that something is to be changed. The journey itself is the most important part of the book. Moreover, this idea of the journey being one of the main objectives is central to understanding various mythologies and ideologies throughout human history.
The story also raises several issues that may sound contemporary. One of the trends described in the book predicts the introduction of information technologies and the creation of collective thought. McLuhan’s concept of the “global village” actually provides an excellent explanation for the phenomenon described in the book. The actions which people take in the modern world are all interconnected. Jurdi (2018) notes that humanity, in general, now tends to rely on collective thought to a substantial extent. The global network, which is described in the book, allows for a comprehensive understanding of the tools which are currently used to drive and shape the evolution of humankind.
The drawing depicts the moment Hoopoe delivers an inspiring speech to the flock. The emotions the bird expresses help understand why thousands of birds believe in the successful outcome of the whole undertaking.

The picture shows the moment thousands of birds embark on a new journey. They all head for the unknown land in order to acquire the knowledge they desperately need. Thousands of birds forming a flock, in this case, represent the miracles that willpower, organization, and motivation can make.

The picture depicts 30 birds that are about to finish the journey and learn the truth they have been searching for. They are also exhausted but still determined to meet Simorgh, the king of all birds.
Joel, C. U. (2020). Marshall McLuhan on media concepts: An insight into his philosophical communication thoughts. Sapientia Global Journal of Arts, Humanities & Development Studies, 3(3), 251–260.
Jurdi, N. (2018). Smart cities and global village.JL Pol’y & Globalization, 69, 132. Web.
McLuhan, M. (1965). Understanding media: The extensions of man. McGraw-Hill.
Sis, P. (2013). The conference of birds. Penguin Books.