The Development of Social Facilities as an Urgent Issue for the US Essay

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The development of social facilities as an urgent issue for the US, which concerns every citizen. While several Americans suffer from low income and absence of home, the NeighborWorks America has been proactively creating infrastructural capabilities and advancing towards the strong community idea for almost forty years. Creating social welfare is a vibrant aspect of social sciences, thus, the strives to improve the living conditions must be studied precisely. The NeighborWorks America acts according to its mission and vision of a healthy community by collaborating with the companies within the Private-Public Partnership pattern, building capacities, accomplishing the stated goals to bring a positive impact to the society.

Mission and Vision

Before discovering the role of NeighborWorks America in a context of national community improvement, one should familiarize with the organization’s core elements, including its mission and views. According to the official website (Working together for strong communities, 2018), the Neighbourhood Reinvestment Corporation, which is the company’s original name, is a public non-profit organization chartered by Congress to support the US community development. The mission of the company is to create the real estate affordability and, thus, fostering access to the infrastructure for citizens including those of modest means, while the vision of the organization is described as “through NeighborWorks and its partnerships, America is a nation of vibrant communities all are proud to call home” (Working together for strong communities, 2018). The NRC cooperates with 240 companies to spread the coverage of its activity nationwide (Working together for strong communities, 2018) and acts according to the Private-Public Partnership frameworks, which include delegating the public orders to private units and charter-based and technological support (Delmon, 2017). The organization’s vision of “strong communities” demands cooperative work of numerous public and private companies (Working together for strong communities, 2018). As the collaboration can result in accumulating capital and its distribution for community development, the partnership is an urgent aspect of the NRC activity.

Collaboration and Capacity Building

One ambition of organizational collaboration is capacity building on which community improvement is primarily based. The NRC, among its various projects, provides such facilities for the partners as training, financial security, renting homes et al. (Working together for strong communities, 2018). The need for collaboration, while implementing the capacity building activities, arrives from the effectiveness increase of the organizations’ unions (Monson-Rosen, 2018). While the non-public companies search options for creating welfare for the citizens, the cooperation during the process facilitates providing these services by decreasing costs and enhancing the scale of implementation (Monson-Rosen, 2018). The NeighborWorks accumulates rivals’ capabilities and supports innovative actions of numerous non-profit organizations, which creates a powerful driving force of positive changes in the community infrastructure (Working together for strong communities, 2018). Although collaboration has a positive impact on small non-profit organizations, its usage in the NRC programs accumulates considerable resources for building capacities.

The NCR and the Collaboration

The NeighborWorks America, being a government-charted organization, constantly cooperates with the non-partisan agencies. According to the study, such agreements emerge within Public-Private Partnerships to reduce costs and provide qualitative infrastructure delivery (Trebilcock & Rosenstock, 2015). The NRC assists with the realization of the most innovative projects within its considerable network of non-profits and private companies. At the same time, the corporation encourages the foundations and corporations to join the movement for larger changes (Working together for strong communities, 2018). While becoming a partner company requires passing a rigorous revision (Working together for strong communities, 2018), the NRC provides a variety of projects to facilitate innovation of the network members. The main practices of the organization are training, non-profit leadership, financial security, foreclosure prevention, homeownership counselling, rental homes, sustainable business, community engagement, et al. (Working together for strong communities, 2018). Within such a method, the NeighborWorks America delegates the capacity building to non-governmental companies and, at the same time, provides the essential support.

The Organization’s Impact

Any organization needs to sustain itself by continuously innovating and self-improving. Such durability is especially required with the NRC, as it drives nationwide strong community movement and has a number of companies and citizens relying on its efficiency. The financial aspect of the NRC’s durability is productive funding refinancing with local investments. For instance, the report states the NeighborWorks organizations have accumulated $22.5 billion of operating income within the past 5 years (Working together for strong communities, 2018), which affects both the organization and the citizen. With such investment return, the NRC provided homes to approximately 2.5 million families within the period (Working together for strong communities, 2018) and had enough resources to maintain the organization’s capability. The NRC has implemented numerous approaches to create a positive sustainable impact in the community. In 2017, the NeighborWorks invested more than $8 billion, while having created nearly 44,000 maintained jobs and provided houses to approximately 22,000 citizens (Working together for strong communities, 2018). These outcomes demonstrate efficiency in finance placing which contributes to the company’s longevity and the positive community change that the NRC creates.


To conclude, the NeighborWorks America’s measures in creating wealthy society achieved considerably in the past forty years of the company’s existence. Its actions accord with the mission, the vision, and the strategy, and, by spreading the influence nationwide, enrol positive shifts in building a decent community. The PPP-based collaboration, the constantly evolving network of 240 partner companies, the trainings, and efficient financial investing resulted in a growing amount of the organization’s achievements in strengthening the communities and providing affordable homes. The reports demonstrate the effectiveness of the NRC’s campaign, but the company realizes it has to do more effort, as a number of citizens still suffers from unaffordability of real estate.


Delmon, J. (2017). Public-Private Partnership projects in infrastructure: an essential guide for policy makers (2nd ed.). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Monson-Rosen, M. (2018). Web.

Trebilcock, M., & Rosenstock, M. (2015). Infrastructure Public–Private Partnerships in the developing world: lessons from recent experience. The Journal of Development Studies, 51(4), 335-354.

Working together for strong communities. (2018). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 20). The Development of Social Facilities as an Urgent Issue for the US.

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"The Development of Social Facilities as an Urgent Issue for the US." IvyPanda, 20 Jan. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'The Development of Social Facilities as an Urgent Issue for the US'. 20 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "The Development of Social Facilities as an Urgent Issue for the US." January 20, 2022.

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