The film “In Dreams Awake” by E. Commons is a documentary story about a unique man, William Joseph Petrie, and his extraordinary, non-standard personality and nature. In my opinion, this is a profound, rich, and heartfelt story about a local “hero,” as well as phenomena and events beyond the usual perception.
Laughlin’s first chosen article, “Lucid Dreams,” tells a reader about the key concepts, principles, and patterns of dreams controlled by their “creator.” I think this is a truly comprehensive set of valuable and essential information about dreams and imaginations during sleep that seems more natural than reality.
The second article by Jayne Gackenbach about video games and lucid dreams is a collection of knowledge and ideas about how video games can influence a person’s consciousness and cognitive abilities to a certain extent. Moreover, I tend to believe that this hypothesis has some truth due to my own empirical experience and observations, not just “dry” facts and justifications.
Indeed, I have already had a lucid dream, which has happened repeatedly. At one time, it seemed to me that I had revealed the secrets of managing such phenomena, but, later, this became a false judgment for me. In my opinion, as already mentioned above, the article I read about the relationship between video games and lucid dreams reflected the reality that exists in my life. In a way, I experienced all those feelings, sensations, and emotions in practice described by Jayne Gackenbach.
The material that seemed to me the most interesting is an article named “Is it a good idea to cultivate lucid dreaming?” Vallat and Ruby (2019), together with a reader, reflect on the issues of whether it is worth developing controlled dreams, what such manipulations give, and what can come out of it.
The authors of the text look rather broadly and deeply at the picture of the situation, considering many factors and conditions for the formation of answers to the questions posed. I chose this work based on the criteria of importance, actuality, and relevance in the modern world. In addition, it seemed that the paper’s authors tried to reveal the process of dream awareness from a completely different angle and side and another point of view.
Vallat, R., & Ruby, P. M. (2019). Is it a good idea to cultivate lucid dreaming?. Frontiers in psychology, 10, pp. 1-4. Web.