The Healthcare Challenges in Texas Essay

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The concept of the national average rate might seem a slightly unreliable measurement standard when considering unique characteristics of each state. However, when the core performance rates approach the nation minimum, one can assume that there are sufficient reasons for concern. According to one of the latest reports, Texas has been underperforming in a range of socioeconomic, sociopolitical, sociocultural, and health-related areas, which is an understandable reason for concern (Texas Legislative Study Group, 2013). Based on the 2021 report, “Texas on the brink,” one may assume that the issues regarding public safety, healthcare, and the general principles that underlie the specified data, should be regarded as the reason for concern (Texas Health and Human Services Commission, 2021). Indeed, taking a closer look at the statistical data in question, one will realize that Texas has been showing the highest rates of pregnancy and birth among teenage girls, as well as a devastatingly low level of health insurance despite a sufficient amount of resources and proper wealth distribution rate (Texas Legislative Study Group, 2013). Therefore, a change in the public stance on core socioeconomic, sociocultural, and sociopolitical issues is required. With the specified change, alterations to the state policies and the resulting improvement in the quality of healthcare and management of main sociocultural, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical issues can be expected.

However, given what is currently known about Texas, specifically, its culture and the associated values, one may expect that the state will continue to perform in the specified way unless a series of drastic measures are undertaken. Firstly, and most importantly, one must admit that notable economic disparities have been observed in Texas recently (Texas Legislative Study Group, 2013). The lack of financial resources in a substantial number of Texan households leads to a drop in the extent of healthcare service availability, which, in turn, reduces the opportunity for Texas residents to manage their health-related needs accordingly.

Furthermore, the strong effect of racial and ethnic disparities observed in Texas s undeniable when it comes to discussing the issue of healthcare service accessibility and effectiveness. Namely, reports demonstrate that racial and ethnic minorities are significantly underrepresented in the state’s legal framework, which leads to the mismanagement of the specified populations’ needs in regard to healthcare and the associated issues (Texas Legislative Study Group, 2013). As a result, healthcare experts remain unaware of the key needs of ethnic and racial minorities, as well as the factors that affect their health status adversely (Texas Legislative Study Group, 2013). Thus, changes in the state policy leading to an increase in awareness of the core barriers to health effaced by diverse and marginalized communities in Texas.

Another factor that contributes actively to the current health issues observed in Texas is related to the issues linked to health literacy and health-related education among Texas residents. Specifically, the report states that Texas has only one higher academic institution that has been featured in the top 100 of the U.S. (Texas Legislative Study Group, 2013). Likewise, the levels of sex education in Texas are quite low, which has led to a spike in the rates of teenage pregnancy and birth (Texas Legislative Study Group, 2013). Without proper levels of awareness regarding the management of their sexual health, Texan teenagers, particularly, teenage girls, are exposed to an increased risk. The observed issues call for a reconsideration of the current health policy concerning the promotion of health education among general audiences. Namely, it is highly desirable that nurse educators should encourage active development of the required skills and health awareness in the general population of Texas to encourage change.


Texas Health and Human Services Commission. (2021). Factors impacting health care quality in Texas Medicaid. Texas Health and Human Services.

Texas Legislative Study Group. (2013). Texas on the brink. Texas Legislature.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 22). The Healthcare Challenges in Texas.

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"The Healthcare Challenges in Texas." IvyPanda, 22 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Healthcare Challenges in Texas'. 22 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Healthcare Challenges in Texas." May 22, 2024.

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