The Homeless Population Reducing Research Paper

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Homelessness has gained significant attention worldwide. Homeless population is increasing in many developed countries including the USA where 0.12% of Americans were homeless (and 25% of these were seen as chronically homeless) in 2012 (Simmonds & Oru, 2014). The number of homeless Americans is increasing and these people, in the vast majority of cases, are also suffering from numerous diseases including HIV/AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, various mental disorders and so on.

Clearly, these people (especially youth as there are more than 1,600,000 young homeless Americans) need assistance without which they will not be able to break the vicious circle. Of course, the US government has to play the major role in the process, but communities have to participate in dealing with the issue.

Existing Programs and Approaches

As has been mentioned above, the number of homeless people is increasing in the USA. Major reasons for that are financial constraints, discrimination and marginalization (Smye, Browne, Varcoe and Josewski, 2011). People returning from places of detention often become homeless. Children and teenagers coming from families of minorities are also vulnerable to homelessness, as they often become victims of their parents’ financial issues.

Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS (as well as mental issues) are the most serious issues associated with homelessness in this part of the USA. HIV/AIDS is rapidly spreading among homeless people and it poses threats to other inhabitants of the community.

Drug abuse and mental disorders in homeless people are often associated with their involvement into illegal activities and further incarceration. Of course, children of homeless people have a few or even no educational opportunities and are bound to join the ranks of homeless people in their future, as without education they are unlikely to land a good job.

Numerous strategies have been developed to address the issues associated with homelessness. For instance, in Denmark, one of such strategies implies significant funding of construction of housing for homeless people and assistance in obtaining the housing under the program (Hansen, 2010).

This strategy helps many people as they get an opportunity to live in decent conditions and start a new life (look for and land a better job). However, the program started in 2009 and it is quite early to make any conclusions, as long-term results of the strategy are still unclear. At the same time, preliminary conclusions can be made and Hansen (2010) states that the strategy with a focus on housing only cannot solve the issue as people are facing numerous constraints and are sometimes unable to address them on their own.

In the USA, there is also programs aimed at providing housing to homeless people. Simmonds and Oru (2014) evaluate one of such programs with a specific focus on people having HIV/AIDS. The researchers note that the program is not very effective as homeless people tend to address numerous issues and they are often bound to chronic homelessness due to their health conditions.

It is clear that provision of housing to homeless people (especially those suffering from HIV/AIDS) does not solve all their problems, but may be only a part of a more comprehensive strategy.

It is possible to provide another example of such a program, which is called “Opening Doors: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness” (Lauren Anderson, 2013). The Strategic Plan pays a lot of attention to housing. Nonetheless, there is also significant attention to other aspects of the problem, which makes the plan more comprehensive and efficient. Lauren Anderson (2013) concentrates on youth and stresses that the program includes healthcare services, education, and provision of the necessary resources.

This strategy enables young people to obtain education, which will help them in finding a good job in the future and integration into the community. It is necessary to note that the program implies active participation of communities, which is beneficial for all stakeholders. Of course, the program is quite costly for the government even though some expenses are reduced through participation of communities.

There are also programs with a focus on healthcare services. For instance, Smye et al. (2011) note that some of issues associated with homelessness are social inequity, despair of homeless people and drug abuse (with high risks of the spread of such diseases as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and so on).

The researchers focus on the Canadian society and they state that the Harm Reduction and Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) program has certain positive effects and helps solve certain issues. Hence, the program includes “needle exchange programs, safe injection sites, distribution of condoms” and so on (Smye et al., 2011, p. 4).

Another strategy focusing on health of homeless people is an assertive outreach approach used in New Zealand. Lloyd and Bassett (2012) note that the program is quite comprehensive as occupational therapists provide their services to homeless people. Thus, the latter get services related to numerous issues.

Special attention is paid to mental health counselling, which is one of the most widespread services provided. The program is quite effective but it has a number of downsides. First, it does not assist in finding housing and education opportunities. Secondly, it will be difficult to reach all those in need due to scarce resources.

Applicability of the Programs

It is necessary to note that all the programs mentioned above can be applicable in this part of the USA. Thus, funding construction of housing, investing into programs aimed at solving particular health issue can be employed in the area. Each of these strategies address issues existing in the community. However, it will be more effective to develop a strategy combining elements of these programs.

Thus, it is essential to have a housing program that would enable homeless people to handle their most urgent issue. At the same time, it is also important to provide counselling services to these people to help them in finding employment, coping with various issues in the community.

Psychological counselling is crucial, as it will help people cope with numerous problems (associated with discrimination, neglect and marginalization) that are still persistent in the US society. Finally, it is important to provide these people with appropriate healthcare services and education (for youth). The major load will be, of course, on the government, but the community will also play a significant role, as people living in neighborhoods have to be involved.


In conclusion, it is possible to note that there are various strategies aimed at addressing homelessness. In different countries, people employ quite similar approaches.

It is possible to identify three types of programs: those focusing on housing, those concentrating on health/educational issues and comprehensive strategies. In this community, it is better to employ the third variant, which will enable people to reduce the homeless population through education and health opportunities with certain attention to such serious issues as housing.

Reference List

Hansen, F. K. (2010). The homelessness strategy in Denmark. European Journal of Homelessness, 4, 113-125.

Lauren Anderson, C. (2013). Opening doors: Preventing youth homelessness through housing and education collaboration. Seattle Journal for Social Justice, 11(2), 457-522.

Lloyd, C. & Bassett, H. (2012). The role of occupational therapy in working with the homeless population: An assertive outreach approach. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59(1), 18 – 23.

Simmonds, I., & Oru, E.O. (2014). HIV and public policy: Predictors for chronic homelessness in persons living with HIV/AIDS. The Journal of Global Health. Web.

Smye, V., Browne, A.J., Varcoe, C., & Josewski, V. (2011). Harm reduction, methadone maintenance treatment and the root causes of health and social inequities: An intersectional lens in the Canadian context. Harm and Reduction Journal, 8(17), 1-12.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 2). The Homeless Population Reducing.

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