The Hunger Games: Book Versus Movie Analytical Essay

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The Hunger Games is a trilogy authored by Suzanne Collins. The author gives a story of a woman who aims at achieving the ultimate prize. The film director, Gary Ross, presents the contents of the book in a film in concise way. Even though some contents are left out, the book presents the ideas of the author in a simple way.

In other words, he simplifies the concepts that are unclear in the book. A number of differences between the book and the movie exit. A brief analysis of the interview that covers Seneca Crane’s work on the seventy-fourth general meeting of the Hunger games helps in developing a notion of a moving environment outside Katniss’ personal feelings. This brings on board the capitol and other key players.

In the book, District 12 has the right to look after its own affairs. This is not clearly illustrated in the movie as less time is shared with people who live there. The film does not show the family of Gale and at the same time, Peeta’s father is not shown. This is in spite of the fact that the family relationship between Gale and Katniss is important. This eventually makes it difficult to expose the family ties of Katniss (Collins 37).

Whereas the book illustrates that Katniss is not given the mocking jay pin as a token of appreciation for her tribute to Rue, the movie is different. The relationship between the two sisters is evident when Katniss gives the icon to Prim before her departure. She had bought the pin at the Hob.

She also explains how protective the pin would be to her sister. As much as Peeta is emotionally attached to Katniss, the book develops a balanced strategy between his intellect and prowess. Peeta is willing to do all he can to protect Katniss. The movie portrays Peeta as an individual who does not have the mechanism for personal survival. The time spent by Katniss while in the woods is not given sufficient coverage in the movie.

This means that the movie fails to illustrate her fighting spirit the way it is presented in the novel. Compared to the book, the movie covers Seneca and President Snaw in a better way. The capacity they have concerning what they are capable of doing, as well as showing how life is full of up hills, are some of the issues the movie covers properly (Collins 78).

In an attempt to set the stage for subsequent scenes, District 2 goes against the wishes of Rue yet it is expected that she will be given bread for her effort. This part creates disharmony in the flow of events, especially to a viewer who has not read the whole novel. Irrespective of Gale’s importance in Katniss life, he is given a very limited coverage in the first scene. The book is clear in creating the triangle of love involving Katniss, Gale, and Peeta.

The film creates a confusing moment in the murder of Cato. Katniss’ role in Cato’s death is mild and not well brought out. Though he dies from injuries after he was stabbed with an arrow, Cato had lost hope in life following the realization that his life was worthless. The differences that are seen when a movie and the novel are compared do not indicate failure ineffectiveness in the side of the producer. His efforts are worth appreciating, as the job done was exemplary.

Works Cited

Collins, Suzanne. Catching fire. New York: Scholastic Inc, 2009. Print.

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Inc, 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 18). The Hunger Games: Book Versus Movie.

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"The Hunger Games: Book Versus Movie." IvyPanda, 18 June 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'The Hunger Games: Book Versus Movie'. 18 June.


IvyPanda. 2018. "The Hunger Games: Book Versus Movie." June 18, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "The Hunger Games: Book Versus Movie." June 18, 2018.


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