News is an integral part of our life. Information comes from everywhere, and the side effect of such a dense information field is an overload of the nervous system and a fake. Every day, more and more messages are not related to reliable facts. In her speech, Sheryl Attkisson reminds listeners about the harmful influence of fake news. Therefore, taking the speech seriously and being alert to fake news is essential.
Main Body
The speaker says that disinformation and low-quality journalism did not arise yesterday. However, the situation has worsened due to the rapid popularization of social networks and the speed of content distribution, thanks to the Internet and smartphones. I agree with this because the abundance of fakes undermines people’s trust in the media as sources of truthful and objective information about what is happening in the country and the world (Attkisson, 2018).
Society develops a stable biased attitude towards socially significant information broadcast by the media, from which distrust of the authorities is formed. The main principle of generating fake news is the most harmful or absurd information that is regularly replicated in the online space. The media often publish news referring to the same source. This is the main feature that the news is false.
Therefore, the main conclusion from this speech is that people need to be more attentive and careful about the news, not to deceive themselves. Modern access to information’s colossal excess outstrips the needs of the average person. The average consumer usually cannot and wants to refrain from actively participating in processing this information to verify its integrity. Social immunity consists of common sense and the personal experience of each member of society. Responsible journalism, which aims to provide honest coverage of facts, should also help strengthen this immunity.
Sharyl Attkisson. (2018). How Real Is Fake News? TEDxUniversityofNevada. Web.