The Importance of a Nursing Home Research Paper

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Nursing homes or assisted living facilities are a crucial element of the healthcare system due to the nature of services they provide to the elderly section of the population. The facilities are created to house and provide essential services to the elderly, ensuring their well-being in the final stages of their lives. The facilities are crucial in delivering specialized care services that most adults cannot receive at home. Nursing homes are essential in America due to the population demographics, where the elderly population is rising and placing more pressure on the healthcare system (citation). Older adults are responsible for approximately one-third of the total health bill in America (Santrock, 2021). However, providing these essential services does not always meet the recommended quality when evaluated by health experts. Santrock (2021) indicates that older adults with healthcare problems often do not receive the care they need. The factors identified above make it essential to properly evaluate a nursing home or assisted living facility before admitting an elderly to one of them.

A good care program for an older adult should be able to provide the necessary healthcare within the facilities or accommodate the same through partnerships. A large section of the elderly population experiences several health issues. Chronic diseases are more frequent in people aged 65 years and older than younger people (Chauhan et al., 2022). Other diseases are also frequent due to the deteriorating immunity and fragility of the old. These factors make healthcare a vital element in any nursing home. Self-control is a crucial factor in programs for older people as it promotes engagement in health-promoting activities. Age-related losses are common when one gets older, and the elderly must actively control their physical and mental well-being. Facilitating self-control ensures that issues like depression and physical inactivity are minimized, enhancing the quality of care for the group. Minimizing stereotypes against older adults is an essential requirement in care programs. Stereotypes responsible for excluding more senior people from participation in decision-making due to their age should be avoided through an inclusive approach in programs.


The criteria for evaluating and selecting the right nursing home are based on several factors that contribute to the well-being of residents. The requirements are based on the facility’s ability to provide the required health-related services, promote the autonomy of its residents, and accommodate their participation in crucial decisions. The first criterion is how the facility fights against obesity and other preventable diseases, especially lifestyle diseases. The obesity pandemic is primarily due to the lack of better lifestyle choices, which include physical exercises and a proper diet (Congdon & Amugsi, 2022). The criteria in evaluating this element entail the meal choices members of the facility are provided. It also includes an assessment of the activities patrons have at their disposal. There should be amenities to facilitate different physical activities, which is essential in promoting self-control. Ensuring that the elderly are engaged reduces their susceptibility to preventable diseases.

The mental well-being of adults in every nursing home is vital in its rating since cognitive challenges due to deterioration are frequent. Depression, anxiety, and other mental issues are common among older adults due to their age and changes in life (Mirzaei et al., 2019). Most older people have retired after several years of working. They usually experience challenges due to lifestyle changes whereby one no longer wakes up to go to work. The environment also changes since most people they interact with are of similar age and experience more than one health issue. Therefore, the nursing home must have the necessary programs to address mental health issues and decline.

The criteria also consider the facility’s efforts to promote socialization among its members and with the community. Older adults require specialized attention due to their age, which can discourage socialization (Dehi-Aroogh & Mohammadi-Shahboulaghi, 2020). Seclusion is common among older adults since they are often considered a burden by younger people who are more active. However, they need socialization among themselves and others in society, which makes it essential to ensure adequate programs to promote interactions. The nursing home being evaluated should have the required programs to promote social activities since they are responsible for promoting a vibrant community within their facility. Socialization is important since it promotes individual development and culture. Interactions among people are important since they ensure that people share knowledge, experiences, and cultures, promoting their well-being.


The facility being evaluated is the Forest at Duke, located in Durham, California. The items used to evaluate the facility are primarily focused on the factors identified earlier as critical in accommodating an older adult. The personnel within the facility were evaluated based on the number, role, and placement. The facility was established to have average staff who provide required services to the residents, which led to a score of 3. The number of staff providing care to residents is crucial as it determines the quality of care. The evaluation also revealed that there are only nine full-time nurses, while the rest were hired on short-term contracts, scoring 4. The professionals required to address the varying needs of the residents, including a physician and psychiatrist, have not been hired full-time by the organization. However, the administrator said that the nursing home has a good relationship with the local healthcare organization that sends medical experts to conduct checkups on residents bi-weekly. A local psychiatrist also has scheduled sessions with residents and helps develop programs to reduce mental health deterioration.

The nursing home scored above average in the menu, facilities, and programs to promote residents’ well-being. The menu was diverse, ensuring that residents had healthy and fun options. The menu also facilitates the different medical conditions that can require specialized diets. The organization has created spaces for physical exercises and provided the required tools to facilitate the activities. There are also outdoor activities that residents are encouraged to participate in to increase physical exercise. Socialization is crucial in The Forest at Duke, as several programs have been developed to encourage social activities.


I would send my older adult to the Forest at Duke as it is an above-average nursing home that can accommodate an older adult comfortably. Based on current nursing home ratings, the Forest at Duke can be considered as a good facility with the capacity to provide the required care to an elderly person. Despite failing to excel in some of the criteria in my assessment, the organization has managed to consider all the needs of its residents. It is also striving to ensure that they provide the required services and improve in service delivery. It did not achieve the maximum score of five in any criteria. However, a score of 4 was allocated to most activities.

The primary areas of improvement include staffing, where the organization should increase the number of staff to reach the recommended resident-to-staff ratio. The organization should also hire a full-time psychiatrist who will be dedicated to the cognitive wellness of the residents only. More full-time nurses are required to meet the current needs and in anticipation of future needs. The paper was informative on the various factors one should consider when looking for a nursing home. I learned that addressing the health and mental needs of an elderly person is not the only factor to consider in selecting a nursing home. Socialization and self-control are vital in maintaining their well-being and should be considered.


Chauhan, S., Patel, R., & Kumar, S. (2022). . BMJ Open, 12(3). Web.

Congdon, P., & Amugsi, D. (2022). . Frontiers in Public Health, 10. Web.

Dehi-Aroogh, M., & Mohammadi-Shahboulaghi, F. (2020). . International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery, 8(1), 55–72. Web.

Mirzaei, M., Yasini Ardekani, S. M., Mirzaei, M., & Dehghani, A. (2019). Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among adult population: Results of Yazd Health Study. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 14(2), 137–146.

Santrock, J. (2021). Lifespan Development (18th ed.). McGraw Hill.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 7). The Importance of a Nursing Home.

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"The Importance of a Nursing Home." IvyPanda, 7 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Importance of a Nursing Home'. 7 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Importance of a Nursing Home." June 7, 2024.

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