The International Mission Board (IBM) magazine is a unique collection of knowledge and ideas about missionary activity, work, and efforts to fulfill the Great Commission to educate people from different parts of the world. It is known that this journal was published by the International Missionary Council of the Southern Baptist Convention to set out the key goals of enlightening work and its central beliefs. The book’s meaning, essence, nature, and content are a set of disclosures of missionary practices, tactics, strategies, tools, and fundamental concepts of the influence of the International Missionary Council on the surrounding world and reality.
The magazine starts with the Southern Baptist Convention’s core principles and the characteristics of disciples and a healthy church. The primary attention is paid to people’s supposed way of thinking and behavior carrying out missionary work. A such disciple is described as having a “transformed heart, mind, affections, will, relationships, and purpose.” Thereafter, the authors reveal every missionary belief that could help the students in their work in precise detail. For example, the principle “making disciples means planning healthy churches” provides arguments for the importance of establishing strong local churches. The following chapter presents the main terms for a disciple to know and ingrain in missionary tasks. Thus, a “common understanding and vocabulary” is vital for such activities. Finally, the magazine outlines each step of the missionary task from the entry to the exit, providing research, strategies, communication prompts, and other necessary information.
Critical Evaluation
The information provided is a proven and reliable source of knowledge for both practicing and future missionaries. The paper’s strengths are in a logical sequence, a concise and illustrative form of conveying facts, details, tips, and recommendations. The magazine’s weaknesses are the lack of disclosure of some current, modern trends in the field. Nonetheless, this work will be helpful as a “manual” within theoretical and practical aspects.
Summing up, the book contains an in-depth study of missionary practice and elements of the influence of the “missionary council” on people and the world around them. It is structured like a magazine, with short and clear explanations of each concept covered by the IMB. Overall, the publication presents the information for disciples in an easy-to-understand manner, allowing people to prepare for all mission stages.
International Mission Board. Foundations: Core Missiological Concepts, Key Mission Terms, The Missionary Task. Richmond: International Mission Board, 2018.