The invasion of Normandy Essay

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During the first half of the year 1994, Britain and the U.S. focused their air forces and navy in England in preparation for an assault on Hitler. At the same time, the Western Allies were mobilizing their resources and preparing their army for the attack. They had planned to combine their capabilities in order to benefit from the union.

Before the attack, the Allied forces took an overview of their opponent defense resources and bombed German’s possible modes of transporting troops such as railways and attacked industries in preparation for the war (Bentley, 2008, p. 1). When the Allies landed in Normandy, the critical occurrence of World War II unfolded.

The fate of Europe was now on the hands of the Allies. The invasion of Normandy was and still is the first successful operation in America over the years. Despite the fact that German had employed quite a large number of men, the defeat inflicted on them was one of the largest since the First World War. Basically, the campaigns had caused German to lose its position.

The attack on Normandy helped the Soviet Union greatly since it was facing a lot of defense from the German forces. The Allied forces did not have adequate resources but they had enough to sustain them through the attack. The Allies also enjoyed dominance in troop numbers as well as military equipment which enabled them conquer the advantages of the good landscape that the Germans had.

The intelligence of the Allies helped them put more efforts which facilitated their success, something that they were not even expecting due to superiority that German had. The encoding capabilities of the German communication by the Allies were of big help in exposing German’s plans especially on counterattack enabling the Allies to strategize on how to counter the attack (Philips, 2004, p.1).

Air operations by the Allied forces had important contributions in the attack through prohibition of all German communication means. This move prevented the accessibility of attack supplies and support and back up by the Germans making them easy to attack. Although the Allied forces were not expecting much from the protective vehicles, the air activity from these vehicles helped a lot in restraining German units as well as preventing resources accessibility.

The Allied forces never lost hope and the spirit to keep on trying the invasion operation despite the fact that they had lost heavily in the initial phase of the operation and the increase in the number of casualties (Toufe, 2004, p.1). German leaders had failed in responding to the early attack in time with the communication difficulties caused by the Allied forces worsening the German’s situation. The local German commanders lacked the required qualities and resources to undertake the task of attacking a more powerful enemy defense.

The Allied commanders too had their own misunderstandings but this did destroy their efforts in attacking German because they chose to work together and put their disputes aside. On the other hand, local German leaders were being commanded by Hitler and they were only allowed to control the operation away from the fields making it difficult for them to effectively coordinate it. German troops failed because most of them were obtained from prison (Haswell, 2009, p. 1).

From this operation, especially for German, they should learn that they should be united in case a similar situation appears in future. Working together, without superiority complex is a very important element in invasion operations or any other form of war. Above all, proper preparedness should be efficiently ensured.

Reference List

Bentley, S. (2008). The Dutch Resistance and the OSS. Web.

Haswell, J. (2009). . Web.

Philips, M. (2004). D-Day for defeatism. Web.

Toufe, Z. (2004). . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 20). The invasion of Normandy.

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"The invasion of Normandy." IvyPanda, 20 Feb. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'The invasion of Normandy'. 20 February.


IvyPanda. 2019. "The invasion of Normandy." February 20, 2019.

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IvyPanda. "The invasion of Normandy." February 20, 2019.

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