The Middle East was one of the most powerful regions in the world in the 17th century, but it lost its world domination in the subsequent years due to the rapid development of European states and their constant intervention in the political environment. Despite the struggles associated with European encroachment, the countries respond to the actions of the Western world. The major modifications pertain to the changes in religion and cultural aspects, discoveries and innovations, and slowly gaining independence by the Middle Eastern states.
In the first place, these countries were forced to modify their cultures while being under the vehement pressure of Christian Empires, which questioned the appropriateness and relevance of Islamic dogmas. In this case, one of the major responses was Islamic modernism, which implied modifying its initial principles. The tenets of this religion attempted to find a balance between Middle Eastern and Western cultures and increase the flexibility of Islam.
This aspect indicated that the representatives of Eastern countries understood that it was time to integrate the principles of both regions and underline the gravity of Islamism and European cultures simultaneously. This matter depicted that the countries with the contrasting needs and viewpoints tended to find the common touchpoints and attempted to emphasize the similarities between nations.
Modernizing the local economy
Alternatively, it remains apparent that one of the positive consequences of the constantly increasing Western pressure was the need to modernize industries and local economies. Eastern countries started the development of their businesses and manufacturing units. In this instance, it could be said that it was a primary cause for the number of discoveries, which helped the countries to gain their independence and become strong economies.
One of the major innovations was the discovery of oil in the Persian Gulf, and it could be regarded as a major response to Western intervention and pressure. Overall, this outcome assisted the countries in gaining a substantial share of the market and leading positions in the oil industry. At the same time, Eastern countries experienced the need for modernization and were required to improve their infrastructures to ensure the flow of the processes and provide favorable conditions to support innovation and development.
Another major consequence of Western pressure was the domination of European Imperialism in the region. Middle Eastern countries were vehemently dependent on the actions of the major political players, who were in control of any economic fluctuations and monitored any interventions in the political regime.
Nonetheless, the majority of Middle Eastern countries did not consider the present situation as beneficial. For instance, at the beginning of the 19th, Syria and Egypt attempted to reach independence, and it could be regarded as the first attempt in developing their political systems and cultures. Based on the analyses of the responses highlighted above, it could be said that Western pressure was beneficial for the development of the Middle East, as it helped the region become both politically and economically independent and find a comparative advantage for the future sustainability and financial prosperity.