The first aspect of the work that I enjoyed greatly was the choice of colors. The mixture of white, dark blue, and turquoise creates sensations similar to those when one looks at the surface of a sea or observes various shades of green on the trees during sunny days. In other words, when I saw this work, I felt peace as well as slight excitement because of the beauty that was in front of my eyes. Additionally, there are some small brownish elements, such as flowers, that I think were added in order to avoid the monotony of the piece in general.
The second component of the work that I enjoyed is the forms. In this regard, it is necessary to mention that Mihrab is symmetrical, which leads to a greater artistic appreciation of the piece (BBC, 2017). Moreover, the niche represents the door that symbolically invites the person to move from the material world into the spiritual realm. As such, the rectangle where the door is carved serves as a preparatory stage to such a transition setting the person in the right mood by presenting the verses from Quran.
The third but not final aspect that I liked about the work is the calligraphy. Although I cannot read Arabic, I still can perceive the beauty of its letters which appears as if a pattern to me. Interestingly, the writing on the edge of the rectangle is smooth, whereas, on the trim of the door, the letters are more angular. In my opinion, such a combination, on the one hand, evokes the feeling of calamity and, on the other hand, reinforces the need for concentration.
Overall, I chose to review this work because it had the biggest emotional impact on me compared to other pieces in the museum. Probably, such a reaction is explained by the fact that I have not seen many artworks that were created in the Middle East, and for this reason, this piece seems more attractive. Additionally, I think that Mihrab combines many artistic techniques such as harmonious color palette, calligraphy, patterns, and depth that together form a unique experience.

BBC. (2017). Why we find symmetry so soothing.
The Met. (n.d.).Mihrab (prayer niche).