The Need to Address Healthcare Rationing Essay

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Healthcare rationing is a problem in the healthcare system that needs to be addressed. It is the intentional denial of healthcare services from some groups of people (Singh & Moodley, 2020). Fink (2020) states that “the medical director of the intensive care unit had to choose which patients’ lives would be supported by ventilators and other equipment” (para 1). In addition, the patients who are not favored by the rationing formula are prone to be neglected when providing care to patients (Bell et al., 2021). For example, in Italy, “where age has been used in rationing treatment,” the people who suffered the most are the elderly because they were perceived to have low survival rates during the pandemic (Fink, 2020, para 36). Therefore, healthcare rationing can be mitigated through the collaboration of different stakeholders such as the government, insurance companies, patients, and providers. Possible solutions lie in the plane of government programs to finance and subsidize relevant organizations, conduct affordable health education activities, optimize the work of clinical medicine processes and develop appropriate adapted services from insurance companies.

Government should work closely with the public to address healthcare rationing. One of the central policy levers adopted is wellness and prevention. For example, Australia’s healthcare system “Places much greater emphasis on preventive approaches to slow the growth in demand for health services” (Brownson et al., 2020, p. 1607). The focus is to reduce healthcare demand in the country by promoting wellness. Teaching peomake informed decisions about their health (Bell et al.ple about the importance of healthy lifestyle choices, such as proper nutrition, can help them to make informed decisions about their health (Bell et al, 2021). Encouraging people to get regular check-ups and screenings can help them to stay on top of their health and catch any issues early on.

Health insurance plays an integral role in rationing care in the setting. According to Torrey (2020), “Health insurers ration care through co-pays, deductibles, and caps” (para 8). People are usually denied access to medical care when they are not insured. Health insurers prohibit reimbursement or coverage for services when an individual exceeds the provided limit. Denial of care is probably the most well-known kind of rationing due to the frustration it generates. Most patients are unaware that this is the component of rationing most influenced by laws and regulations. Alternative treatments are rarely covered by insurance, leading to increased patient dissatisfaction (Torrey, 2020, para 10). This indicates that insurance companies have contributed to rationing experienced in healthcare. As a stakeholder, they pursue profit goals in return for addressing the root cause of the problem, which, according to the Choose Wisely campaign, is a strong violation of priorities (Born & Levinson, 2019). There is a need for governments to regulate insurance companies by making sure they do not contribute to rationing.

The alternative to healthcare rationing is the government ensuring adequate resources to meet the demand. According to scholars, “there are ways to modify existing structures and programs to move towards greater effectiveness and equity” (Butler, 2022, para 19). There is a need to ensure that hospitals are expanded and appropriate equipment is purchased to enhance their ability to serve many people. Furthermore, healthcare workers have a role to play in reducing healthcare rationing. Organizational factors, such as housing and transportation, also affect the performance of health workers, adding further uncertainty to treatment prioritization (Butler, 2022, para 16; Fink, 2020). They should consider advocating for prevention and a proactive approach to achieve the anticipated health and wellness among the public. This will reduce the increasing strain on existing healthcare settings for patients seeking care.

In order to mitigate healthcare rationing, a collaboration of different stakeholders is needed. The government should provide the necessary resources and incentives for healthcare providers to provide quality care. Insurance companies should ensure that their policies are fair and equitable, provide coverage for necessary treatments and medications, and ensure that patients are not denied access to necessary care. Patients should take responsibility for their own health by following a healthy lifestyle, understanding their treatment options, and being informed and involved in their healthcare decisions. Providers should use evidence-based medicine to ensure that their treatments are effective, provide adequate resources and access to care, and involve patients in decision-making.


Bell, S. A., Singer, D., Solway, E., Kirch, M., Kullgren, J., & Malani, P. (2021). . Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 15(5), 624-630. Web.

Born, K. B., & Levinson, W. (2019). . Journal of General and Family Medicine, 20(1), 9-12. Web.

Brownson, R. C., Burke, T. A., Colditz, G. A., & Samet, J. M. (2020). . American Journal of Public Health, 110(11), 1605-1610. Web.

Butler, S. M. (2022). . Brookings. Web.

Fink, S. (2020). New York Times. Web.

Singh, J. A., & Moodley, K. (2020). Critical care triaging in the shadow of COVID-19: Ethics considerations. South African Medical Journal, 110(5), 355-359. Web.

Torrey, T. (2020). How healthcare rationing works. Verywell Health. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 21). The Need to Address Healthcare Rationing.

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"The Need to Address Healthcare Rationing." IvyPanda, 21 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Need to Address Healthcare Rationing'. 21 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Need to Address Healthcare Rationing." May 21, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Need to Address Healthcare Rationing." May 21, 2024.


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