So far, I understand that preparations are essential as they influence the success of my research project. In the planning phase, I identified the research question related to my area of interest and formulated possible outcomes that I would obtain from my participation in this project. The planning also helped me in the identification of the necessary tools needed to accomplish this research, such as the SPSS and literature review. In this phase, I continued to look for more ways I could improve to boost my confidence before the actual experiment.
Literature search strategy
In the first phase, I reported that my area of study would be on drosophila species. Therefore, I was advised to read more reviews related to my area of focus, which would help in the formulation of a research hypothesis. As a result, I was told to look more into the literature research strategy as it defines ways to search online databases in a consistent and structured manner that would save time.
I learned that the quality literature search strategy helps in gathering the evidence necessary in identifying gaps in the literature. I noted several steps are needed when developing a search strategy.
- Defining and noting the research questions
- Identifying and recording special terms, phrases, and keyword
- Identify keyword synonyms using a dictionary
- Determine the research time frame
- Consider the learning materials needed, such as journals and books.
- Identify the databases to obtain the information
I followed these guidelines to search for some books and journals I will use during the research. I noted the main research question as “What are the thermal effects on the fertility of female drosophila Zaprionus?” I formulated search phrases, such as the “thermal effects on female drosophila Zaprionus” and “impact of heat on the fertility of female drosophila Zaprionus.” I used Google Scholar to test the effectiveness of the two search phrases. I did not put any limitations on the timeframe, and I managed to obtain about 880 articles. I will need to perform more limitations to identify relevant materials from the identified articles. I was advised that having a search partner helps in organizing thoughts prior to conducting research.
Hypothesis formulation
I was also advised to start reading about the formulation of the hypothesis. Therefore, I conducted some research where I learned hypotheses in a study help to prove or disprove an observed event. In this case, an observed event will be measuring the thermal effects on the fertility of female drosophila Zaprionus. I also learned that if an event cannot be measured, then the hypothesis cannot be tested. The hypothesis is designed using an “if-then” statement. The experiment will increase or decrease the heat and note the impact it has on the fertility of the drosophila. If the measurements change, then the hypothesis is accepted. Otherwise, the hypothesis is rejected.
Final preparations
In the next phase, I intend to work closely with the laboratory technicians to search for the experiment materials. This process will help in ensuring that everything is ready if the research project is to be finished within the provided timeframe.
I will also learn about the concept of research writing. I read some of the reports submitted by other students to familiarize myself with academic writing and the required format.