The Problem of Spam and Phishing in E-mails Essay

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The problem of spam and phishing in e-mails is regarded as one of the most complicated and labor intense on the contemporary media market. Spammers and developers of e-mail technologies are involved into the opposite procedures of the same sphere, however, both sides manage to win in this battle with varied success. The aim of this paper is to analyze and assess the key phishing tools, and realize the mechanisms of spam and phishing activity for further development of protection tools. (Kruse, 2008)

Command Line

  • The command line was launched by the cmd command.
  • CD/ command (change direction) is used for changing directions. Instead of clicking with the mouse button, in cmd line this is performed by this command. DIR /P command prints information about the current direction page by page. Additional commands that may be used for administration or network configuration are as follows:
    • systeminfo – computer collects system information, and prints the data of the devices included into the system
    • tasklist / taskkill – this is needed to print the list of processes (similarly to task dispatcher), and then kill unnecessary process that may overload virtual memory, or CPU capacity.
    • net and ipconfig – commands are needed for configuring network parameters of the system.
  • Telnet connection. Connection failed. Failed to open connection to this link, port 23. That was an error message. Any IP address did not offer a login prompt.
  • Ping. This command is intended to define the quality of the connection with the network link. Computer starts sending test packets to the defined IP, and if it is connected, calculates the response time. The shorter the time – the better connection.

Spam e-mails

  • tool offered the following information:
    • Registrar: ENOM, INC.
    • Whois Server:
    • Name Server: NS1.ALBALHOSTING.COM
    • Name Server: NS2.ALBALHOSTING.COM
    • Status: client Transfer Prohibited
    • Updated Date: 24-jan-2011
    • Creation Date: 31-dec-2008
    • Expiration Date: 31-dec-2011
  • Network information is:
    • IP Address:
    • ISP: New Dream Network, LLC
    • Region: Brea (California, US)

Dos Commands were useless, as telnet connection is not available for this IP. The same mistake was printed (Failed to open connection to this link, port 23). ping tool was used for defining the IP address of the link, and it was helpful for measuring the ping time. Max time was 49 ms for a packet.

Dos commands are helpful for the packet data processing, and they offer finer adjustments of the system. Additionally, they are featured with more extended options in network configuration, while standard windows tools are not able to offer these parameters (mainly due to the fact that cmd line is intended for more experienced users.) (Newman, 2007)

The differences between times and dates are caused by different time zones, as if two computers are located in different zones, the time and date for each will be defined by their geographic location.

UTC is Universal Time Coordinated. This is a unified time standard that was offered instead of GMT. This uses atom time, and is more effective and precise in comparison with GMT.


Dos commands, whois tools, and IP tracing tools may be regarded as the effective toolset for spamming and phishing, as well as anti-spamming and anti-phishing activities. The effectiveness is defined by the experience of the IT specialist, as well as by the lack of firewall protection of the attacked IP.

Reference List

Kruse, W. (2008). Computer Forensics: Incident Response Essentials. Addison-Wesley Professional.

Newman, R.C. (2007). Computer Forensics: Evidence Collection and Management. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach Publications.

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IvyPanda. (2022, May 4). The Problem of Spam and Phishing in E-mails.

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"The Problem of Spam and Phishing in E-mails." IvyPanda, 4 May 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'The Problem of Spam and Phishing in E-mails'. 4 May.


IvyPanda. 2022. "The Problem of Spam and Phishing in E-mails." May 4, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "The Problem of Spam and Phishing in E-mails." May 4, 2022.


IvyPanda. "The Problem of Spam and Phishing in E-mails." May 4, 2022.

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