The Projects Implementation: Challenges and Difficulties Report

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As the matter of fact, the success of the organization is highly dependent on the projects the company implements into the working process. The managers should be flexible in the decision-making process and try to evaluate the chances of the project’s success from the very beginning. The primary purpose of the report is to provide the recommendations regarding the question whether the future projects will beneficially influence the client organization.

Aim of the Project

The analysis of the potential milestones and accomplished phases of the project are significant to take into consideration as it may provide the understanding of the potential success of the project. The fundamental aim of the project is to improve the work of the remote offices by innovation in the sphere of communication in the building. The outcome is seen in terms of advancing the work of the employees and facilitating the connection between the workers and customers to improve the quality and delivery of service. To trace the triumph of the project, the accent should be laid into its lifecycle.


Despite the fact that the project exceeded the limitation time, it should be pointed out that the reason for it was the limited timeline that was not focused on the practical side of the issue. However, the practice cannot be excluded from the lifecycle of the project. The company made a long way towards the evaluation of the shortcomings of the present system, software, discovering the best suppliers, and creating the strategy that would satisfy the objectives of the project. It worth stating that the task was challenging, time-consuming, and demanding. Although the completion of the stage required more time than supposed, the company took right decision as the question of eliminating risks received the priority.


The stage of execution was accomplished before the deadline, and it encompassed the following phases, namely procurement, ordering, and delivery. After the installation of the software was completed, the employees took part in the training program that helped to get better involved in the changes made and be ready to work with the advanced software. The company examined the work of the new software and provided the in-depth comparatively analysis regarding the work of the previous and newly implemented system.

The company followed the plan; however, the accent was made on the successful performance rather than keeping pace with the schedule. The testing period and the feedback of the workers are essential factors that should be taken into consideration to improve the working process. It will be beneficial for the future implementation of similar projects. The company understands the possible risks and aims to reduce the chance of it.


In conclusion, it should be pointed out that despite the company faced a number of challenges and difficulties during the implementation of the new system and working on the project, the organization managed to deal with the problem and perform successfully. The prosperity of the company depends on the highly professional staff and ability to make right decisions and be flexible. Challenges cannot be omitted while working with the project; however, eliminating risks and being responsible for the outcome contributes to the positive development.

Ability to choose right strategy and to focus on the needed projects is an essential aspect that influences the success of the company. The client organization should take the above stated into account as the success of the company depends on the quality of the project performance.

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IvyPanda. (2021, March 24). The Projects Implementation: Challenges and Difficulties.

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"The Projects Implementation: Challenges and Difficulties." IvyPanda, 24 Mar. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'The Projects Implementation: Challenges and Difficulties'. 24 March.


IvyPanda. 2021. "The Projects Implementation: Challenges and Difficulties." March 24, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "The Projects Implementation: Challenges and Difficulties." March 24, 2021.


IvyPanda. "The Projects Implementation: Challenges and Difficulties." March 24, 2021.

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