The Rationale for TEFL Materials Evaluation Essay

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Learning materials play a significant role in teaching an English programme. English teachers often use a wide range of instruments to facilitate teaching and learning processes (Wright 2010). The advent of the World Wide Web has transformed the manner in which teachers design learning and instructional materials.

In essence, the internet has provided an elemental opportunity to support computer-mediated instruction (Nizonkiza 2011; Tomlinson 2008). According to Weston (2009), web-based applications provide different forms of educational technologies that enhance learning experiences.

The primary benefit of these tools is that they support the development of a collaborative learning environment (Wright 2010).

The purpose of this rationale is to provide a basis that support development of computer-based TEFL materials. The teacher designed the learning materials for Kuwait University students in a general English class.

The objective of developing these learning tools was to enhance learners’ performance in business courses. This analysis will demonstrate how educational theories, literature, and reasoning influenced creation of the materials.

The rationale will review literature and educational models that support incorporation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) studies strategies in a conventional classroom.

The Learning Context

Type of Lesson: General English

Level: University (Year 1)

Language Skill: Listening and Reading

Time: 1 hr 30 min per day

Class Profile

The instructor developed learning materials for a group of 30 male and female students at Kuwait University. The materials will facilitate general English instruction for the first-year students in a blended classroom. The general English lessons will run for eight consecutive weeks from Monday to Friday.

Each week will account for six and a half hours and the students will complete two assignments per week. The aim of this course is to assist the students to improve their listening, reading and writing skills in English.

This goal is essential because some of their core courses are taught in English. These skills will help them to improve their overall performance and educational objectives.

The Assessment of Needs

The students have enrolled in international business courses at the university. The English language is the mode of instruction for most of the core courses.

As such, the Department of Business Administration has introduced an English Immersion Programme to support the students who speak English as a second language. The university offers mandatory English classes for 30 to 45 minutes daily.

Despite these efforts, these students lack self-efficacy and competencies in spoken and written English respectively. The primary concern is that the students do not receive any linguistic support apart from the 30-45 minutes remedial sessions.

The degree programme mandates the students to read multiple books, journals and case studies. The main problem is that the students have limited scanning and skimming skills to comprehend this information.

The listening materials will help enhance students’ vocabulary. They will also be in a better position to know how various words are pronounced.

Strengths and Weaknesses

It is important to note that the students received English instruction from grades one to five. Thus, they have basic skills in both written and spoken English. The students have also formed groups to practice new vocabulary during the immersion sessions.

According to Forman (2011), learners achieve higher grades when they take control of their learning process. However, it is unfortunate that the students performed poorly in their latest English essay exam. This exercise also required them to gather information from electronic databases and libraries.

A meeting with their professors identified two concerns. First, syntax errors were prevalent in the students’ written assignment.

Second, the students were unable to synthesize the information in the module materials to answer all the questions correctly. Skimming and scanning were also identified as another weakness among these students.

The Teaching Schedule

The learners will complete two tasks: an essay and listening activities. Each lesson will begin with a warm-up session that will expose students to various technological tools and devices. They will then identify their most innovative technologies and provide reasons for their choices.

The purpose of this task will be to underscore the role of technology in pedagogy. The participants will then complete a three-minute test. The objective of this test will be to introduce specific terminologies commonly used in web browsers and applications.

The intake of these vocabularies will enable the students to understand the text more easily. The lesson will also contain a pre-listening session. The students will predict the answers to a set of questions based on the title of a video.



In this section, the researcher will identify materials that will be needed for the blended learning. The materials must be suitable for year 1 students in Kuwait University. Identifying these materials will help in developing the approach that will be used in this blended class. The materials must be readily available within the university.

The materials

The delivery of the instruction materials will use two web-based applications: Moodle and TED-Ed. Karchmer-Klein and Shinas (2012) have argued that high cost of purchasing and installing web-based applications limits their incorporation in blended classroom. Conversely, both Moodle and TED-Ed are free applications.

Thus, the cost-effectiveness of these tools influenced their selection. In addition, they support collaboration and interactions based on the social constructionist pedagogy.

Hsu and Lin (2008) have indicated that effectual cooperation during the learning process improves educational outcomes. Animated videos and Task-Based Learning (TBL) will also form part of the materials that will be used.

The Objectives of the Learning Materials

Learning materials play a significant role in facilitating the teaching process (Dudeney & Hockly 2007). The particular aims of the learning materials include the following:

  • To enhance development of reading skills
  • To help students acquire new vocabularies that may enhance their understanding of the language.
  • To enhance time-management skills among the learners.

To measure if these objectives are achieved, learners will undertake oral exams to test development of new vocabulary, time management and reading skills.

The Rationale for the Learning Materials


The unprecedented advances in information and communication technologies have revolutionised the way teachers and students interact (McQuirter & Dortmans 2013).

The increasing shift towards online learning has supported proliferation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) into the conventional classroom (Chapelle & Jamieson 2008). The primary purpose of CALL is to generate evidence-based practices in the development of web-based learning tools.

On the other hand, the rising influence of English language in the contemporary society has been the force behind the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research (Watson, Watson & Reigeluth 2012).

Web-based learning has emerged as one of the most feasible teaching approaches in the modern world (Hsu & Lin 2008). The principal tenet supporting internet-based education lies in its capacity to support interactions between teachers and students.

These applications also improve communication among the learners (Karchmer-Klein & Shinas 2012). The level of communication in these contexts improves the productivity and performance of trainers and trainees respectively (Wohlwend 2010).

The purpose of this rationale is to demonstrate the significance of using technological resources to improve listening, reading and speaking skills among ELLs.

This rationale will illustrate the factors that influenced the design and development of the electronic learning materials. In addition, the analysis will also identify theoretical and empirical frameworks.

The Justification for the Blended Classroom

Blended learning is a technique that has emerged from the development of information and communication tools. In practice, blended learning uses online and digital media to complement conventional classroom methods (Wright 2010).

One of the principal challenges teachers encounter in the traditional classroom is the inability to meet the individual needs of each student (Forman 2011; Watson, Watson & Reigeluth 2012). A blended classroom addresses the preceding limitation by providing a wide range of web-based tools.

The multiplicity of these tools will motivate the students because they break the monotony of face-to-face instruction.

In addition, the role of the trainer is to provide support and consultation (Wohlwend 2010). That is why blended learning has gained popularity in the recent past.

Secondly, classroom teaching fails to acknowledge the fact that students synthesize learning materials at different paces (Shute & Towle 2003). Self-blending allows students to control the process of acquiring information and knowledge.

The learners accomplish this goal by using diverse tools to customise their learning experiences and materials. For example, the use web-based application will facilitate the acquisition of soft skills in comprehension much faster than it is possible in the conventional settings (Nizonkiza 2011).

On the other hand, blended learning provides asynchronous communication between teachers and their students because of the additional support offered by web-based application in the learning process.

Consequently, instructors do not have to spend too much time on talking and teaching unfamiliar content (Falvo & Johnson 2007).

Another advantage of using the blended classroom model is that it improves performance and educational outcomes. The application of information and communication technologies in the classroom increases access to a variety of learning materials (Forman 2011).

Yu, Zhang and Chen (2006) have argued that gifted students do not get a chance to hone their skills considering the limits of the current curricular. Nonetheless, educational technologies enable this group of learners to avoid grade restrictions or advance their competencies.

Weston (2009) has also argued that these innovative tools (such as simulations, video and audio content, animations and others) improve the retention rate.

According to Hsu and Lin (2008), educational technologies reinforce the information acquired through the conventional teaching practices. This will be applied in this programme by providing learners with digital materials of what they have learnt in class.

The Justification for Choosing the Materials

The learning materials consist of two web applications: Moodle and TED-Ed. Moodle is a web-based application that allows instructors and learners to design personalised instructional environments. Moodle provides collaborative learning based on the social constructionist pedagogy.

The collaborative learning environments empower both the learning and teaching processes. The justification for choosing this application is that it supports blended learning. A

ccording to Chapelle and Jamieson (2008), connected behaviour in a learning environment stimulates learning since learners share their knowledge and experiences. The participatory nature of Moodle will allow the participants to become both teachers and learners.

The design of this material will help ensure that teachers and learners can interact even when they are not in a classroom setting (Redington 2011).

Secondly, the teacher will create learning materials using the TED-Ed Lessons. This websites allows its visitors to add supplementary materials (including discussion topics) to any educational videos posted on YouTube.

The use of TED-Ed lessons will play a fundamental role in introducing new information in curiosity-inspiring and exciting way. In essence, the TED-Ed lessons allow the teacher to use video clips and films to transmit information.

The Teacher’s Role in Blended Learning

The teacher’s beliefs and attitudes have a fundamental influence on vocabulary intake. Individual perceptions are very influential in determining classroom behaviours and actions (Shafie & Nayan 2010).

These components also determine whether the student will succeed or fail to master the foreign language (Forman 2011). The role of the teacher has evolved from a monitor to that of a facilitator and manager since the advent of the internet.

The point of argument that has emerged from these conceptualisations is whether or not blended classrooms require teachers to fulfil their traditional roles (Warschauer 2007).

The keyword in the Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) context is “assisted.” It means that although blended learning gives students some autonomy, teachers still control the learning process (Ko 2012).

Web-based learning allows students to take control of their knowledge-acquisition process by personalising their learning experiences. Karchmer-Klein and Shinas (2012) have argued that this freedom ensures that the learners synthesise materials at a preferred pace, which improves performance.

Web-based tools have influenced the shift towards student-centred learning, which has transformed the role of the teacher fundamentally (Warschauer 2007). It allows for a personalised and student-centred approach of learning because the learner can dictate the pace and time of consuming a given digital material.

This is very different from the traditional learning approach where learners had to follow rigid timetables which they had no control over. The teacher no longer functions as the predominant disseminator of information.

By contrast, instructors are now the managers or facilitators of the learning process (Shafie & Nayan 2010). The use of technology in the conventional classroom gives students more autonomy.

Chapelle and Jamieson (2008) have discovered that most teachers are yet to conceptualise the difference between Tacher-Talk-Time (TTT) and Student-Talk-Time (STT).

Teachers are often cautious about giving their students total freedom (Redington 2011). According to Shafie and Nayan (2010), such teachers continue to dictate the pace and contexts of learning. Subsequently, students only consume whatever their teachers give to them.

This study will not conform to this traditional belief because web-based applications will allow the learners to assume control over their learning by enabling them to dictate when and at what pace they want to consume a given knowledge (Cooker 2008).

These tools will also facilitate efficient communication and collaboration between teachers and their students (McQuirter & Dortmans 2013). For instance, the primary function of Moodle is to create a collaborative learning environment.

Effectual instruction is feasible in these settings if teachers allow their students to make contributions and suggestions during the lesson (Falvo & Johnson 2007).

The constructive approach to learning supports the transitioning of the teacher’s role from an information provider to a facilitator. According to this theory, the construction of knowledge and meaning takes place in a student’s mind (Shafie & Nayan 2010).

Wright (2010) has also indicated that this process is continuous since it is always evolving. The use of the Moodle application will enable the teacher to interact easily with the students.

Forman (2011) has argued that this approach creates a learning environment that encourages exchange of information, knowledge and ideas openly.

The Significance of Feedback

One of the most significant components of learning is giving students appropriate feedback. Hsu and Lin (2008) have indicated that students show progress when they receive feedback from their instructors.

According to Forman (2011), feedback is an essential aspect of assessment because it enables students to evaluate their performance. Wright (2010) noted that students get more feedback in virtual settings compared to the traditional classroom setting.

The point of argument is that web-based applications give instant comments than the teacher does. On the other hand, teachers often give generalised views that disregard the needs of individual students. Consequently, such an action does not benefit the whole class equally (McQuirter & Dortmans 2013).

The learning materials make it possible for the learners to receive instant results whenever they undertake web-based assignments. The grading threshold for the test is the achievement of the highest grade. The learners can attempt the exam several times until they attain this goal.

The feedback for incorrect answers will give the students an opportunity to reorganise their knowledge and information.

Wright (2010) found out that students who received explicit feedback improved their writing and reading skills. For example, the first task will be to ask the student to match computer terminologies with their respective meanings.

Adaptive Learning in Blended Classrooms

Both the teaching and learning processes are essential in blended classrooms. Computer applications do not improve performance in a vacuum. According to Weston (2009), these tools are only meant to support learning procedures.

Forman (2011) has noted that the individual characteristics rather than web-based applications determine the performance of both the teacher and learners. For example, a school may have the latest educational technologies but this cannot improve performance before motivating the learners to use these tools.

Thus, adaptive learning is very critical in blended classrooms (McQuirter & Dortmans 2013). The role of adaptive web-based learning is to enhance user experiences by maintaining didactical and pedagogical processes (Chang 2010).

Motivation, preferences and prior knowledge constitute learner-specific characteristics that influence performance (Shute & Towle 2003). Didactical activities require the teacher to use technology to meet the demands of the target group.

The learning materials have incorporated this concept into the teaching and learning processes. This is achieved by providing learners with web-based materials that they can always review at their own time.

This means that if a learner did not understand a concept in a classroom setting, he can review the online materials at any time in order to enhance his knowledge. It is imperative to note that Moodle and TED-Ed will not replace current practices.

By contrast, the aim of using technology is to improve and simplify conventional classroom practices (Lapp, Moss & Rowsell 2013). For instance, a student may score poor marks in his first business essay because he was unable to synthesise his notes given in a classroom setting.

This means that such a student may not have proper revision materials to prepare for exams. The proposed tools will address this problem by enabling the learners to have all the materials they need at any time whether or not they prepared notes when the teacher was in class (Chang 2010).

One of the crucial benefits of using technology in classrooms is that it provides unique experiences than the non-ICT approaches do. However, it is important to note that sometimes the adaptation to ICT tools may be very complex and time consuming (McQuirter & Dortmans 2013).

For this reason, it may be necessary to come up with measures that will address these challenges in order to benefit from the use of the proposed materials. The proposed teaching materials will address these challenges by using simple applications to meet the students’ immediate needs.

The learners require improving their listening and reading skills to understand the business terminologies used in the classroom.

The purpose of the learning materials is to match English language learning content with the student’s characteristics. This objective is elemental to support didactical and pedagogical processes (Lapp, Moss & Rowsell 2012).

Constructivist-Collaborative Approach shifts focus from the teacher to the student. This framework encourages students to assume an active role in the learning process instead of being passive spectators (Falvo & Johnson 2007).

Weston (2009) has posited that the thoughts and contributions of the students augment the learning process even if they do not make sense. The Moodle tool will require the students to navigate through multiple information sources to get the solution to a particular task.

The purpose of this activity is to support the acquisition of critical thinking skills. This assignment will also help students to enhance their skimming and scanning competencies. The teacher will use an evaluation checklist to ensure that the task is sufficiently comprehensive.

This means that at regular intervals, a teacher may consider giving learners a long passage to go through within a short time. The learners will be expected to skim the passage in order to grasp important concepts about it. After that, they will be asked a series of questions based on the passage.

The aim of this process is to enable the learner to get relevant information relatively fast while in the World Wide Web.

The Rationale for using Authentic Materials

The effectiveness of teaching any language necessitates the development of authentic materials. The rationale underpinning the previous statement is that these tools bridge the gap between the real world and academia (Chang 2010).

The main problem that learners may face when using blended approach of learning is that sometimes online materials may be misleading. For this reason, it was necessary for the teachers to play an active role in web-based learning (Dykman & Davis 2008).

They should define the kind of materials which are appropriate for the learners. Despite these diverse viewpoints on the issue of authenticity of the web-based materials, Tomlinson (2008) has claimed that the use of authentic English in the learning materials is essential to engage the learners affectively and cognitively.

It is crucial to note that students often find it hard to comprehend some of these resources fully. Dudeney and Hockly (2007) have underscored the significance of designing effectual tasks to limit these complexities.

The proposed learning materials preferred the authentic texts to English language training (ELT) practices for three reasons.

First, it was necessary to tailor the learning materials to the students’ needs. These tools will pay attention to language, as well as engage the learners effectively (Hsu & Lin 2008).

Secondly, the use of these texts will motivate the students to assume an active role in the learning process. This study will involve students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. As such, Tseng (2002) suggests that it will be counterproductive to use materials meant for instructional purposes only.

Thirdly, business case studies and essays often assess the students’ comprehension of global issues. The learners who are participating currently are pursuing a bachelor’s degree in international business.

Thus, their ability to use English language comprehensively is a competency that they will require in the future to become global leaders. Guest (2002) has argued that language is not about vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

On the contrary, language learning becomes meaningful if the learners understand the cultures that underlie the language. The use of authentic texts will ensure that these students expand their perspectives about global cultures. The core of this objective is that culture influences individual perceptions and beliefs (Tseng 2002).

Lexis is a critical component of this lesson. The aim of focusing on this language system is to meet the students’ vocabulary intake needs (Nizonkiza 2011). The realisation of this objective necessitated the manipulation of the authentic texts in various forms.

Guest (2002) has argued that English language learners find it quite difficult to comprehend some authentic materials. The development of simple exercises using Moodle was essential to make this process more amenable (Dudeney & Hockly, 2007).

The question design helps in making the whole process simple by eliminating unnecessary vocabularies that may confuse the learners. The teacher refined the authentic text through a vocabulary profile for two reasons.

First, it was necessary to simplify the task without compromising the layout of questions. Second, this strategy was crucial to enable the learners to acquire new lexis using web-based terminologies (Nizonkiza, 2011).

The development of the learning materials emphasised authentic text for two reasons. Firstly, Lewis (2000) acknowledged the essence of teaching words within a cultural context rather than in isolation. Second, Folse (2004) has prohibited the tendency of guessing from the context since it is ineffective and impossible.

According to Folse, students run the risk of learning the incorrect meanings of words when they employ guesswork. Chapelle and Jamieson (2008) have supported these assertions by emphasising the need to introduce students to novel vocabulary items.

Chapelle and Jamieson have indicated that teaching vocabulary with CALL “… help learners to develop strategies for explicit vocabulary learning through the use of online dictionaries” (2008 p. 12).

Based on the materials discussed in the section above, learners will rely on web-based learning to know the meaning of some words and the context under which they should be used.

The trend of globalisation has diversified the current populations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thus, these students come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds (Yu, Zhang & Chen 2006).

Shute and Towle (2003) have noted cultural and language diversities influences how English Language Learners (ELLs) acquire language skills. As such, the learning materials will be sensitive to cultural and language differences among the students.

Further, the teacher will employ differential and supplemental activities to enhance the acquisition of reading competencies. Besides the normal classes in the brick-and-moter setting, a teacher may consider sending the learners to a world wide web for a further investigation of a given issue.

This means that the teacher will have more time to attend to other academic tasks other than spending time with students trying to explain a single concept repeatedly. The faculty will review the internet-based materials to ascertain their authenticity and applicability in the classroom.


This assignment has demonstrated that adequate use of technology can play a significant role in facilitating language learning and teaching. The novel technological advances and innovations provide essential tools that teachers can use to enhance the acquisition of language and vocabulary skills.

Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) does not only improve students’ abilities but also supports professional development. This rationale has highlighted the application of CALL materials to facilitate English learning among university students.

The use of Moodle and TED-Ed tools was necessary to prepare them to perform better in their second assignment. The rationale has shown that students can benefit both academically and personally if teachers use the CALL tools efficiently.

Despite the many benefits of CALL, they also present a myriad of limitations. First, the limited face-to-face interactions undermined the capacity to provide timely feedback. Second, it was impossible to develop high-quality content because the tools lack superior interfaces.

For instance, the materials may not be as engaging as a teacher would be in a classroom setting. Moreover, these tools may not identify academic weaknesses of a learner. This can only be done by a teacher.

Nonetheless, both Moodle and TED-Ed applications supported social interactions, which were crucial for them to acquire language and literacy skills. The software was also cost-effective, although it promoted sound pedagogical practices.

The teacher should prepare and assist the students to overcome the challenges of using technology to make the learning process more productive. This objective is critical because many schools are now shifting towards the blended system of instruction as the most appropriate strategy.

List of References

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