The movie The Secret Law of Attraction (2006) produced by Rhonda Byrne can be best classified as a film for self-help. It is made in a form of a documentary film in order to represent the theory of the film and evidence for its support in a most comprehensive manner. The structure of The Secret Law of Attraction consists of interviews with different people who either are specialists in various scientific fields or claim to have experienced the law of attraction in their life. The main idea of the film is that the path to personal development is indivisible from the fact that human thoughts can attract certain events.
In some ways, the film supports the idea that the power of the thought is today beyond both practical and scientific comprehension. Hence, the secret in the center of the film’s attention is that our thinking influences the events that happen to us. From the standpoint presented by the experts in quantum physics, the hypothesis is that people’s thoughts have some mental energy that, like any other kind of energy, influences objects in real life (The Secret Law of Attraction).
Although the science is not yet able to explain such phenomena and the ways how it works, the creators The Secret Law of Attraction claim that people can control their thoughts and direct them in order to fix some issues in their lives. Furthermore, the film even claims that problems with health with the help of the law of attraction. For example, if a person is hungry and keeps thinking about it, the law of attraction will multiply the feeling of hunger because thoughts attract the events.
Naturally, it is scientifically proven that human brain can influence the way people feel in different ways, but, in my opinion, there are some limits to thinking without making any real actions. It is important to consider the scope and significance of the events. Positive thinking affects emotional health, helps to preserve an emotional comfort and avoid being distressed. However, it is also important to point out that it is not enough in terms of physical health. Any attempts to apply the law of attraction would not be better than real actions of taking care of one’s health.
Overall, The Secret Law of Attraction presents an interesting idea that can help people not to focus on the negative thoughts and look forward to positive things. However, this idea cannot be used as an ultimate guide because real action often cannot be replaced by merely positive thinking.
Works Cited
The Secret Law of Attraction. Ex. Prod. Rhonda Byrne. 2006, Film.