The speech of Joe Sabia is a remarkable presentation, and the attention to it is explained by the speaker’s energetic manner. He starts it like a fairytale by saying that “once upon a time,” the art of storytelling was stagnant (Sabia, 2011). The change came the invention of the first children’s pop-up book by Lothar Meggendorfer (Sabia, 2011). The continuation of the speech is a well-thought tale informing the viewers on this event’s significance for technological development of storytelling. According to Sabia, its survival and evolution were connected to the mentioned invention. He sees the creation of the Internet as a part of this process.
The end of the speech corresponds to its general style since the speaker states that the audience would “live happily ever after” due to the emergence of storytelling devices (Sabia, 2011). This presentation is memorable, and its effects are defined by the selection of appropriate visuals presented at a fast pace. However, it can be improved by the inclusion of more details regarding the evolution of the genre.
Sabia, J. (2011). The technology of storytelling[Video]. TED. Web.