The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride Poem by Mills Essay

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Over the course of their lives, all people face obstacles and situations that challenge them to reconsider their own existence and put them on a path of self-discovery. Wilmer Mills’ poem The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride is one of the works that deal with these circumstances and the influence they have on a person’s life. The genre can be described as a stream of consciousness, telling about the main character’s struggles to discover who she is in the world where other people and her own life experiences make her feel lost. It also addresses the hardships and memories of the past that are often too difficult to relive, so the woman chooses to forget them and never act the way she did in the past. Arguably, the central theme of the poem is the personal journey of self-discovery and the events that influence the decisions made on the way. However, one needs to demonstrate strength of character to reconcile the dark aspects of their past and present and move further in life on a path of self-discovery, determining their own destiny.

The Influence of Significant Events in Individuals’ Lives

Various circumstances and life experiences can affect a person as they make important decisions in life. These circumstances can include childhood traumas, stressful environment at work or at home, and tense relationship with one’s family members, friends, or colleagues. In Mills’ poem, the readers can assume that the main character had had a difficult childhood and a strenuous relationship with her mother. As she recalls memories of her mother and how she “tried to teach her stiches”, she becomes angry and wants to escape these memories again: “I hated knots, / And looking at the butterfly got me / Riled up again, enough to take the truck / Across that river bridge” (Mills, 2002). These lines show that the woman’s memories of her childhood and her mother are traumatic for her, and she eventually rides away in her truck to escape these memories of the past.

Like all people sometimes do, the woman feels overwhelmed with these emotions. As she drives, she even has thoughts of committing suicide. However, she later realizes her destiny is “unraveled” and feels motivated to continue living to discover her own self (Mills, 2002). This shows the readers that it is possible to find peace, contentment, and harmony in oneself even when they are not sure what they want to do and who they want to be. It is also demonstrated that destiny is something that people themselves can determine based on the decisions they make.

My experience of finding joy in self-discovery is related to my friend’s traumatic life experience. As she had lost her family member to a terminate illness, she became depressed and alienated. Having been so close to the end-of-life experience, she started thinking that life had no meaning, and that she did not deserve to be happy. After a long period of treatment and recovery, her mental state improved and she started seeing joy in life again. Therefore, she managed to overcome the traumatic experience and return to her path of self-discovery. Even though she felt desperate and hopeless, with the support of her family members, she demonstrated strength and determination to overcome difficulties.


Undoubtedly, it can be concluded that life is a complex but beautiful journey. It often takes courage, patience, and self-awareness to realize that it is full of joy if only one can overcome the barrier of memory that keeps traumatic experiences of the past alive. Being self-aware and attentive to one’s own feelings can help them make important life decisions, even if there is not yet enough understanding of who they want to be and how they want to live their lives. The main fulfillment and joy is realized on the path of self-discovery as well as, or even more, than at the end of this journey.


Mills, W. (2002). Light for the orphans: Poems.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride Poem by Mills.

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"The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride Poem by Mills." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride Poem by Mills'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride Poem by Mills." May 7, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride Poem by Mills." May 7, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Tent Delivery Woman’s Ride Poem by Mills." May 7, 2024.

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