There are many examples of endless love in myths that give an example to people through the ages. The myth of the love of Cupid and Psyche is a good example. The hero overcomes a long way to the heart of his beloved; despite all the obstacles, they remain together. This myth can serve as an example of love overcoming all difficulties. In the myth of Cupid and Psyche, love is a force that unites beings that could not be together. Even though Psyche is a mortal woman, Cupid’s love elevates her to the rank of deities.
Venus decided to let the lovers meet only if the girl completed four tasks. All these tasks were thought impossible, but by some miracle, Psyche managed to solve them. Each completed task made the girl stronger and developed her. She acquired the knowledge and skills that were necessary to become a woman. Love made Psyche psychologically mature and, in a sense, worthy of becoming a deity. The legend about Cupid and Psyche comes down to one simple statement: only the union of love and soul gives rise to true pleasure and happiness. When Psyche sees her betrothed and falls in love with him, an image of her Cupid is created inside her. This is the image of her love, the highest expression of the being now in front of her in physical form. The myth of the love of Cupid and Psyche is filled with adventure and romance. It tells about the soul’s wanderings, longing to merge with love. Psyche became at last united to Cupid, and in due time they had a daughter born to them whose name was Pleasure (Apuleius, 1903).
Apuleius. (1903). Cupid and Psyche: The Story of Cupid and Psyche. (C. Stuttaford, Trans). David Nutt.