The tourism sector in the Australia Capital Territory Report

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Executive Summary

Canberra is the Capital city of Australia. The city has grown to become an economic hub of the country. With numerous revenue streams that earn the city revenue and contribute to the entire economy of the country, Canberra has leaped into the next level of economic growth. One of the major revenues generating activities of Canberra is tourism.

Tourism has grown to become the largest service sector export for the country accounting for over 2.5% of the Australia’s GDP. Over the last decade, the number of tourists visiting the country has fallen raising a major concern about the future viability of tourism as an income generating activity. This fall in the number of tourists has been recorded for both domestic and international tourists.

The Australian Capital Tourism has hitherto commissioned a research project on visits to Australia by international tourists. The aim of the research if to have a better understanding of the needs, wants, and satisfaction levels of international tourists.

This report studies the various aspects that may be contributing to the decline in the number of tourists visiting the tourist attraction sites in the country. The study uses exploratory and descriptive research methods to come up with the research findings. It uses questionnaires and surveys as the data collection methods.

The report also recommends other further research on the areas and recommends the use of other information methods so as to enhance extensive understanding of the field under study. It finally gives the conclusions and recommendation on the topic under study.


This research proposal seeks to establish the means and ways of improving the tourism sector in the Australia Capital Territory and the Entire Australia Economy. The information collection methods that will be used in this research are both descriptive and explanatory methods. The management problem, research problem, and research design will be discussed in this proposal.

Canberra is the Capital city of Australia. It is a city that has many economic benefits to the Australian people. Being strategically located it is an economic hub for Australia as it has numerous revenue streams one of which is tourism. Canberra’s tourism attraction comes from the various sites it possesses. The city has many attraction sites in areas of culture, history, indigenous heritage, politics, art, and sport flora and fauna. The city also has exciting offers for leisure tourists such as stylish Restaurants, bars and shops.

Background to the Research

Tourism constitutes Australia’s highest service export earner contributing about 3% of the country’s total GDP. This coupled with other benefits such as employment makes it a significant factor in the economic growth of the country. As such there is a dire need by the government of Australia to continue improving the tourism related services. This will ensure that the sector continues to grow both as a revenue earner and a source of employment.

Over the recent past, tourism sector in Australia has recorded significant declines in revenues. This is due to the decrease in both the international tourists who prefer other countries over Australia. It has also been contributed by a decline in local tourism where Australians prefer touring other countries other than their own domestic sites. This has caused the sector to lose a significant market share in the economy and attention has been shifted slowly by slowly to other macroeconomic factors.

This has compelled the government of Australia to look for means and ways of restoring the glory that the sector bore as well as ensuring that it is on a positive growth path again. This report is done on the tourism sector of the Australian Capital Territory and is to be used by the government to determine ways and means of improving the tourism sectors as a source of revenue for the country.

The report will therefore use various information collection methods to come up with extensive recommendations on the best ways of ensuring that the tourism sector regains its lost glory

The management Problem

The management problem in this study deals with the steps that the government should take to ensure that the tourism sector in Australia is restored to its glory days. The sector has been on a decline path for the last one and half decades and this poses a major threat to the economy of the Australian people.

The problem is therefore “What promotional strategies should be employed to ensure that the tourism sector regains its market share in the Australian Economy?” this management problem is aimed at identifying the best promotional techniques that the government of Australia in conjunction with the Australian Capital Territory can employ to ensure that tourist attraction sites appeal to both domestic and international tourists.

The government therefore needs to come up with marketing techniques and/ or improve the qualities of the attraction sites that will ensure that the sites are appealing to the tourists.

The research problem and the key objectives

There are several research problems in this research proposal. These include: Has the government neglected tourism as an important source of revenue? Has the tourism sector’s decline been caused by the stiff competition from other upcoming tourist attractions sites in the world? Has the tourism sector in Australia reached the normal product death? Does the government have a leading role to play in ensuring that the tourism regains its market share? What is the future of tourism in Australia in the wake of stiff competition by other countries?

For the above research problem, the following key objectives of the study are discussed.

  • To determine whether tourism is still an important revenue stream in Australia
  • To establish the cause of the decline in the number of domestic tourists
  • To establish the cause of the decline in the number of international tourists
  • To establish the reasons why Australians prefer touring other countries to Australia
  • To establish the role of government in reinventing tourism as a major source of revenue
  • To determine the future position of tourism as a revenue stream for the government

Type of Research

There are various types of research that are used. The main types of research methods are exploratory and descriptive. Exploratory method helps to extensively identify the issues being studied. It also enhances the quality of results finding. Descriptive research helps in identifying the attributes of phenomena (Malhotra, Hall, Shaw, & Oppenheim, 2004, p. 188).

Exploratory research is normally administered in areas where in-depth and critical knowledge is necessary. It is usually used in areas where the problem is not lucidly identified. This type of research puts into consideration all aspects that are relevant to a study and reviews secondary sources of information (Richard & Colin, 2004, p. 98). These include the existing literature, or qualitative data such as surveys, discussions, interviews and other method that ensure that extensive information is collected on the topic (Marian, 2010, p. 59).

This type of information source has various drawbacks. These include the extensive search of secondary information often leads to conflicting feedback. This acts as a setback to the reliability of the literature review since previous recorded researches that were done often give conflicting information (Romaniuk, 2001, p. 91). This leads to analysis paralysis.

Descriptive research is the type of research that describes characteristics of a certain population or the aspect being studied. This study usually answers questions like why, how, which etc. It is a type of research method that gathers information about a certain phenomena and usually results in factual and accurate findings (George, 2002, p 109).

The shortcomings of this descriptive method come in that it does not give the reasons behind happenings of situations. It is therefore relevant only when describing the attributes that do not require an in-depth analysis of the situations (Michael & Saren, 2010, p. 138).

Type of information

Based on the objectives of the study, the following problems are to be solved by the information collected.

  • The tourism trends in the 21st Century
  • The changes in preferences of the tourists
  • In what ways do the tourist attraction sites attract domestic and international tourists
  • What are the possible ways of ensuring that the tourists tastes and preferences are catered for by the different tourists attraction sites

Market knowledge is the most important source of information for any person who intends to acquire an extensive knowledge of the different factors that affect product consumption (Berger, 1997, p. 113).

As such an in-depth knowledge of tourism market is necessary to ensure that the various factors affecting the industry are well understood by the strategy formulators. An analysis of both the internal and external environment ensures that an organization formulates strategies give the organization competitive excellence (Frederick, 2001, p 88).

Internal environment analysis highlights the strengths and weaknesses that are present in the organization (Barney, 1991, p. 120). This helps it in choosing the courses of action that maximize its use of the strengths as well as minimize potential losses from the weaknesses the organization possesses. External analysis usually enlightens the organization on the opportunities available in the remote market as well as the threats posed by the external environmental factors (Barney, 1991, p. 113).

The information used will therefore feature both the external and the internal factors that influence the choice of the tourists on where to visit. It will also cover the appropriateness of such factors in formulating promotional strategies. The primary data will include:

  • The concept of tourism
    1. Attraction sites
    2. Costs associated with these sites
    3. The value of the attraction sites
  • International tourism
    1. The concept of competition among countries
    2. The suitability of attraction sites on international tourists
    3. The value proposition
  • Other subjective aspects of preference
  • Government influence on the tourism
  • The marketability of tourism as an products and brand
  • The success stories by other countries
  • The respondents’ demographic information such as age sex etc.
  • Other information that may be relevant to the country

Method of Data Collection

Use of exploratory method

Exploratory information is needed in areas where the study being carried lacks a clear problem statement. Exploratory method therefore presents comparative information where the researcher is able to view the aspects being studied. The secondary information used in exploratory ensures that the previous studies carried out on similar and related topics is considered (Henry, 2007, p. 140).

This method is therefore useful in comparing the different studies and researches that have been done by the various researchers in the area of tourism. The information is useful in formulating a research problem and research objectives.

The current situation in the tourism sector in Australia is characterized by less government involvement in promotion, lesser corporate partnership in marketing tourist destinations in the country and subsequent decline in the number of domestic and international tourists. The sector is therefore experiencing the decline stage and this is a major cause of alarm. Several Jobs have already been lost in the tourism sector and the government revenues that come from tourism have declined.

The necessary information will therefore be sources for different groups of persons who are tourism stakeholders. These include the government officials working in the tourism sector. These employees will give a general view of the state of affairs of the tourism sector in terms of quantitative as well as qualitative measures. Information will also be solicited from various groups of tourists. These will provide qualitative information on the suitability of the attraction sites as well as the value attached to the various tourism products in Canberra.

The use of descriptive analysis

Descriptive method involves the collection of information that affects the demographic aspects of a phenomenon (Christ, 2011, p. 89). This type of method is useful when answering such questions as when, where, how, what etc. In the above research proposal descriptive method will be employed where knowledge will be sought on such questions as what are the tourist attraction sites.

What are the most common sports based tourist activities? Why do most of the Australians prefer travelling outside their country to touring Australia? How do the sites in other countries compare with the Australian attraction sites?

This method will require the use of questionnaire that will be administered to various groups of tourist depending on age, race and other demographic factors. This information is aimed at providing accurate knowledge on the preferences of the various tourists both Australians and non Australians. The descriptive method will be useful and very important since if form the basis of strategy formulation with regard to the market opportunities and strengths.

The use of questionnaire will present various challenges to the respondent. The framing of the question denies the respondent to give information which he deems fit. This is because they are usually leading and may prevent the respondent from fully expressing his/ her views as they are.

This reduces the reliability of the questionnaires as a source of information. Questionnaires will be given to international tourists arriving at all the tourist sites, they will also be given to partnered travel and booking agents for these tourism sites. They will also be posted to the internet through the use of the various international research organizations such as Harris Poll.

Physical surveys will also be carried at various tourist attraction sites. These surveys are aimed at acquiring a real time feedback from the tourists on the suitability and the quality of the services offered. Physical surveys are very accurate methods of information since they capture the respondents’ facial expression and other non verbal communication media (Levine, 1995, p. 97). They are also reliable since there is an assurance of feedback. The researcher is able to get as much information as possible.

The weaknesses of this method come in that the respondents who are reached are only those who are currently touring the country. Information about past tourism experiences more so by those who were dissatisfied with the quality of service being offered may not be obtained. This is the physical survey will deal with the current respondent and ignore the past experiences. This may give inaccurate information since visitors who came in the past do not have the opportunity of airing their views.

Sampling Technique

Target population

The target population of this study comprises of variable people from different walks of life. With regards to the research objectives of the study the target population of the research design will address the domestic and international tourists. The target population of the research is therefore domestic and international tourists who visit or who used to visit Australia tourist attraction sites.

The tourists will be studied differently and their views will be analyzed differently depending on their demographic attributes such as age, race etc. this will be of great help in identifying different tastes and preferences possessed by different people. It will also help in identifying the promotion strategy applicable to different persons.

The target group will consist of different people such as Young Black Americans, Europeans, Africans and Asians. The two information methods will therefore be useful carrying out the research since it results in in-depth, qualitative and quantitative data. The government will be able to easily categorize these different groups so as to provide incentives on the most preferable areas.

The Young Americans usually prefer leisure tourism as well as physical features such as mountains and the terrain associated. They are also keen on sports tourism and will engage in such activities as mountain bike riding and bungee jumping. Europeans like museums artwork and history. They are therefore keen on visiting areas there they will find archeological and historical sites. Africans are keen on education tourism and are attracted to such sites as libraries, movies and entertainment.

Sampling frame

The research will survey various groups of people such as Americans, Asians, Africans, Asians and Australia natives. The surveys will be administered to the individuals and will be framed according to their tastes and preferences as discussed in the previous topic. This sampling technique chosen will be useful in analyzing the different types of tourists visiting the various attraction sites.

Preparing Data for Analysis

The various data collection methods will be presented with the data in them. The available options are either to keep the data in its physical form or to convert the data into computer data files. The latter would enable easy data analysis more so when using the computer data analysis software. The data will be analyzed using the available computer software as these enable accurate data information. The computer software also ensures a systematic and an organized presentation of information from the collected data.

Conclusion and Recommendations

This research work has used both descriptive and exploratory methods. These research methods usually give more detailed research finding as well as better and more qualitative report.

The use of exploratory method in doing research ensures that the research finding exhaustively covers the problem statement and even where there statement is not clear the use of extensive secondary materials ensure that the topic is fully covered. Descriptive method on the other hand gives a demographical explanation of the different phenomena under study.

There is however other research methods which are not included in this research proposal. These include such methods as casual research methods. Future researches on this field can consider using these other research methods. This is because of the shortcomings that characterize the exploratory and descriptive research methods. Future scholars should therefore extend the field of research to include all the methods which are not used in this research.

In conclusion, the research objective is to identify the problem facing tourism industry in Australia and to establish ways in which the government of Australia can promote the tourism sector to ensure that it returns to its glory days. In looking at the six main objectives of the study, the research introduces the different stages of the research starting with the problem statement identification.

The study goes on to propose the information methods to be used in the study and the data analysis method to be employed. The proposal concludes with analyzing the target group for the study and the various attributes that characterize these different groups.

Market research is a useful tool of communication since it enables persons to understand the various aspects of the environment and the change in behaviors. It is therefore an important activity for every organization since the modern day environment presents a highly volatile operating condition.

Research is therefore an important pre-requisite to any strategy formulation. It also eliminates uncertainty through providing relevant information for the decision makers. There is however limitations associated with all types of researches and since it is impossible to do perfect research, persons should never scare away from carrying out research.

Individual reflections

Personal research objectives included to acquire basic knowledge on the various factors that determine people’s choice and tastes and preferences.

This has been extensively achieved as an understanding of the demographic factors and their influence on the various tastes and preferences have been understood. Throughout the process of writing this research report, much knowledge has been acquired and research expertise has been sharpened.

Other objectives achieved include proper understanding of the research methods and subsequent applicability of these research methods. The applicability of Exploratory and descriptive research methods has also been learnt and extensive understanding of the advantages and drawbacks of these methods has been acquired. Other areas of personal learning include the various demographic attributes of the persons who visit Australia and the variance of their tastes and preferences.


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IvyPanda. (2019, March 28). The tourism sector in the Australia Capital Territory.

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