An adequate solution to a problem of such a broad scope as the under-representation of Asian Americans in US politics requires addressing the causes of the issues and the means for their elimination. Since the recommendations refer to the necessity of new legislative efforts to enhance Asian Americans’ participation in the voting process and overall political life of the country, it is relevant to place solutions in the legislative context as well. The vast disproportion between the percentage of Asian American individuals within the overall US population and the rate of their representation in office might be addressed by improving the likelihood of this community engaging in the political process. This goal might be achieved through designing both federal and state community organizations to improve political literacy. The collective efforts aimed at facilitating the representation of the Asian American community in state and national politics will ensure that more individuals consider voting and participating.
Another critical area for improvement that might be beneficial in problem-solving is the enhancement of practices for the contact between Asian American citizens and political representatives. It might be achieved through the creation of specific committees that would specifically consider Asian Americans’ concerns and translate them to the political field. Within the context of such measures, stereotyping and racial discrimination might be reduced (Visalvanich, 2017). People should not only be encouraged to participate in the political process but also obtain an opportunity and means to express their concerns. The establishment of special bodies to work with this population will be a trigger for consecutive improvements based on the enhanced social perception of Asian Americans within the political context.
More importantly, since the lack of legally processed naturalization cases for Asian Americans constrains their opportunities to become candidates, special legislation is required to simplify naturalization procedures for Asian Americans. This effort will provide the under-represented community with the legal basis for engaging in the elections both as candidates and as voters. Moreover, since the naturalization process involves learning history and language, the naturalization legislation will be capable of eliminating the language gap as a significant constraint to representation rate growth. Thus, powerful and systematic legislative and community-based measures are required to combat the problem of Asian American under-representation in US politics.
In summation, the investigation of the problem of Asian Americans’ passive participation in elections unveiled the inadequate representation of this population due to stereotyping, racial discrimination, lack of contact with politicians, and cultural barriers. Although Asian Americans constitute a large portion of the US population and commonly work in prestigious positions, few Asian Americans are occupying public positions on both federal and state levels. To eliminate the causes of the problem, legislative efforts are required. Among possible solutions to the problem, there are community-based organizations for political literacy improvement, improved contact through the establishment of bodies aimed at working with Asian Americans’ concerns specifically, and naturalization law facilitation. Positive changes have already been noticed in the example of Kamala Harris’ position as a Vice President, who is likely to promote the interests of the Asian American community on a federal level. The proposed solutions will allow for eliminating stereotypes, increase the number of Asian American candidates, and ultimately provide this large community with role models to follow in the future.
Visalvanich, N. (2017). Asian candidates in America: The surprising effects of positive racial stereotyping. Political Research Quarterly, 70(1), 68-81.