“I am a Legend” is an emotional and powerful movie directed by Francis Lawrence. The film illustrates persistent years of a killer disease that causes massive loss of lives and transforms the rest of humanity into monsters. Therefore, the sole survivor of the plague in New York struggles valiantly to find a cure. Simply put, the movie focuses on Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville, a doctor striving to fight a deadly virus that had wiped out all the human race except him.
The Vector in the Movie
The movie outlines one of the deadly viruses known as the Krippin Virus (KV). Initially, medical practitioners made the Krippin Virus by genetically altering measles to serve as a miracle cancer treatment. At first, the virus worked effectively with no adverse effects, a concept that changed over time and led to the mutation and rabies-like symptoms in its hosts (Lawrence, 2007, 00:44:43). However, KV is the primary vector in the unique horror film.
Spread of the Vector
Krippin Virus had airborne and contact strains, which determined the transmission mode from one person to another. The airborne strain spread from one person to the other via the air, whereas the transmission of the contact strain occurred through the contact of blood and saliva. According to Lawrence (2007, 01:15:15), many human beings succumbed to the Krippin Virus infections after 48 hours, during which the host suffered from physical symptoms, vicious bloodlust, and prima behavior. Therefore, the disease was mainly an airborne and contact plague.
Government Interventions
After the Krippin Virus airborne strain outbreak, the government placed New York City under military quarantine. Neville, a highly acknowledged scientist with a high-ranking military role, assumed the primary responsibility of saving the human race (Lawrence, 2007, 00:44:43). Hence, through the military, the government adopted the role of people protection by allowing Robert Neville to find out ways to fight the deadly virus.
Lessons from the Fictional Scenario
Overall, the movie enlightens the viewers that people’s ability to endure the hardships of life depends on people’s ability to connect. The companionship Robert Neville gets from his dog Sam protects him from breaking apart completely. Hence, it is evident that human beings need their colleagues to deal with life challenges and get solutions for persistent problems.
Lawrence, F. (Director). I am a Legend [Film]. Village Roadshow Pictures.