The Wellspring Model Implementation Evaluation Essay

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Wellspring Model was developed in the mid-1990s and it became operational in 1998. The model is developed by Innovative Solutions Inc., and the training is provided at the Wellspring Institute (Singh, 2010). The Wellspring Model is an alliance of a number of healthcare facilities that share knowledge and experiences.

Specific training is also provided to teams in accordance with their interests. However, it is necessary to note that the model is not evaluated positively by healthcare professionals as they identify numerous drawbacks in the project.

Geography is one of major challenges as healthcare professionals have to travel long distances to attend the meetings. Motivational strategies and leadership as well as modules’ content are also poorly developed. It seems that the model is quite a failure.

However, it is possible to provide a solution for an ethical dilemma and a financial issue to understand that downsides of the program can be diminished.

An Ethical Dilemma and a Financial Issue to Be Solved

When it comes to financial issues, the healthcare facilities participating in the project have several problems. One of the most serious shortcomings of the model is associated with employees’ need to travel to quite distant locations to participate in discussions.

This may take a number of days and, hence, these healthcare professionals cannot complete their tasks at their working places and there is a need to cover travel expenses.

As for the ethical dilemma, the participants of the project often have to decide whether they can focus on caring for patients or they should concentrate on collecting data and fully integrating into the project. One of the most serious challenges is the lack of proper frameworks for collecting data as well as efficient participation in the model.

Employees often find the program ineffective and try to focus on their duties completely ignoring the program that could enable them to improve their skills and knowledge, which, in its turn, would positively affect total quality management at the facilities.

The Ethical Framework Used

It is possible to note that at present the Wellspring Model can be characterized as the one based on deontological ethical approach. It is implied that the healthcare professionals should be totally motivated to participate in the project as it is their duty to seek for constant improvement of their knowledge and skills.

It is noteworthy that participants of the project are often motivated to take an active part in the model (especially at initial stages), but they become frustrated as the model has quite many downsides and seems to be ineffective.

Alternative Approach

Prior to considering the alternative approach, it is important to identify the desired goal. The model’s effectiveness should be increased through addressing the financial issue and ethical dilemma mentioned above. Thus, the goal is employees’ commitment to participate in the project, which is cost-effective.

Davis and Townsend (2013) state that motivation and strong leadership are two major components of quality management. These two factors are also closely connected with employees’ performance and commitment. Hence, it is necessary to pay attention to this aspect.

Clearly, it is important to take into account some ethical considerations that may impact the decision making. Of course, participation in the project requires significant investment of time.

Hence, healthcare professionals will often have to decide whether they can spend more time caring for patients, collecting data, attending meetings or solving their personal issues (which often interfere according to the case study). Healthcare professionals should understand that the project is beneficial for their growth and empowerment.

Plan of Action

As has been mentioned above, deontological approach is not quite effective. In this case, consequential framework is more appropriate. It is necessary to focus on the outcomes rather than duties. The healthcare professionals should be motivated to actively participate in the project.

This will ensure employees’ commitment to achieve high results and improve the quality of services provided in the facilities participating in the model.

First, it is important to note that the quality of modules should be improved significantly. According to the case, modules on leadership, falls and incontinence are the most inefficient ones (Singh, 2010). More so, healthcare professionals should take a definite part in developing agendas, as it seems that nurses and administrators are not heard.

To achieve the desired goal and decrease the financial load, it is possible to shape the way meetings are held. Clearly, geography is one of the most serious issues as seen by employees. Technology can provide healthcare facilities with the necessary solutions.

Teleconferences can be actively utilized especially when it comes to modules on leadership and other issues that do not require particular workshops involving specific equipment. A part of funds that used to be spent on travel expenses can be utilized as certain kind of monetary award to the most effective participants of the model.

As for ethical issues, it is necessary to focus on the staff training with a special focus on leadership and empowerment. In this case, employees will have certain arguments to solve the ethical issues concerning their priorities.

If they understand that they will improve their skills and knowledge through participation in the project, they will be more committed to take an active part. Of course, efficiency of modules is one of major premises for this.

The Potential Outcome

One of the potential outcomes is the increase of effectiveness of the Wellspring Model. The members of the alliance will be more committed to share data, knowledge and experiences. Healthcare professionals will soon see benefits of the program, as the quality of services provided is likely to increase.

People will be more eager to participate and they will have more time for completing tasks and collecting (sharing, discussing) data. Of course, it is essential to make sure that the participants are equipped with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively collect data.


It is possible to add that this approach can have a broader application. Downsides of the Wellspring Model are quite common for many similar projects. Hence, people often think that these models are ineffective and should not be employed. However, it is clear that there are particular solutions that can be applied in many settings.

The most important factor contributing to effectiveness of the programs is attention to motivation and leadership. Of course, ethical concerns should also be addressed as they can considerably affect the outcomes of any project.


In conclusion, it is possible to note that the Wellspring Model is quite inefficient and it needs changes. Some financial issues associated with the project can be solved with the help of technology. While ethical issues can be handled through paying specific attention to motivation and leadership.

Reference List

Davis, E.W., & Townsend, J.E. (2013). The Principles of Health Care Administration. Shreveport, LA: BNB Systems.

Singh, D.A. (2010). Effective Management of Long-term Care Facilities. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 21). The Wellspring Model Implementation.

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IvyPanda. 2019. "The Wellspring Model Implementation." June 21, 2019.

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