Thesis and argumentation are the two critical concepts learned during this module. They are central for writing various works, such as academic essays, reports, or reflection papers. A thesis is a sentence explaining the sense of the proposed work and its main ideas. It sets the basis for future discussion cogitations. At the same time, argumentation implies supporting the major assumptions with credible and clear arguments to ensure readers understand them and the proposed paper remains relevant. In such a way, a strong thesis and argumentation are the major components necessary for a good paper.
However, applying these concepts in practice might be complex as it requires specific analytic skills and an understanding of how the planned essay will be structured. As stated previously, a thesis statement is a sentence summarizing the central points of the essay. At the same time, it should be interesting for readers and create the basis for discussion. For this reason, formulating a transparent, understandable, and debatable thesis statement might be complex. Moreover, it is critical to support it with argumentation, meaning that ideas from the thesis should be integrated into the body of the paper. It might be challenging, meaning that there is a need for additional training. It is possible to learn how to build stronger theses to master this skill.
Finally, these concepts are vital for various writing situations other than an academic essay. For instance, writing a business letter or a project report, it is critical to summarize the central idea and present it at the beginning to ensure readers know the topic and are ready to discuss it. Furthermore, strong argumentation will help to support the main assumptions with credible evidence and persuade readers that the discussed topic is important.