Article Summary
The article “Tipping Point Leadership” by Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne offers powerful concepts that can support every organizational change (OD). According to the article, every organization encounters numerous obstacles and hurdles. Managers and leaders should overcome such hurdles before implementing every change.
Some of the major challenges affecting different organizations include “lack of resources, opposition, status quo, and lack of motivation” (Kim and Mauborgne 1). The case of Bill Bratton also supports the concept of Tipping Point Leadership. Bill Bratton used the best ideas to support the targeted change.
He identified the best resources in order to transform New York City. He also encouraged different players to support the targeted change. He also “silenced every naysayer in order to make the change successful” (Kim and Mauborgne 6).
The “political and motivational hurdles in a firm can make it impossible for managers to achieve the best outcomes” (Kim and Mauborgne 5). Manager should “tackle these hurdles before implementing a new change” (Kim and Mauborgne 8). The practice will make every organization successful.
How the Article Relates to Our Class Content
Tipping Point Leadership is a theoretical approach that can transform many business organizations. The theory presents a unique design characterized by four hurdles. These “four hurdles include cognitive, political, motivational, and resource” (Kim and Mauborgne 5).
Organizational leaders should deal with these hurdles in order to support every targeted change. These ideas support the theories and concepts studied in our class. Managers should use this leadership strategy to support every proposed change. Managers should also “silence naysayers and motivate their workers” (Kim and Mauborgne 6).
The practice will eventually support the proposed organizational change. Managers should address the challenges and issues presented by different stakeholders (Kim and Mauborgne 1). The article presents a powerful theory can transform many firms and business organizations.
Practical Application
The ideas presented in the above article can make many organizations successful. The case study of Bill Bratton encourages managers to address the hurdles affecting their firms. Our company markets a wide range of electronics to different customers. Our company has been using a powerful leadership strategy in order to achieve its goals.
The company motivates its employees using the best incentives. Our managers also support the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This approach encourages the firm to address various social problems. Our managers also collaborate with every employee. The practice has made it easier for the company to address the needs of its customers. These ideas are therefore applicable in different organizations (Kim and Mauborgne 11).
Effectiveness to Organizational Change
The Tipping Point Leadership approach has the potential to support every organizational change. This concept makes it easier for managers to tackle every hurdle affecting their firms (Kim and Mauborgne 1). The model makes it easier for many managers to identify every obstacle affecting their organizations.
Managers can use this model to motivate their employees. The practice will “encourage more managers to address the needs of their employees” (Kim and Mauborgne 4). A “proper motivational strategy will ensure every employee focuses on the targeted organizational goals” (Kim and Mauborgne 8).
This theoretical approach will support every organizational change. The practice will also introduce new innovations in order to produce the best outcomes. The above theory can therefore produce the best goals in many organizations.
Works Cited
Kim, Chan and Renee Mauborgne. “Tipping Point Leadership.” Harvard Business Review 1.1 (2003): 1-13. Print.