CBT works on the principle that positive thoughts and behaviour heralds positive moods and this is something that can be learned; therefore, by learning to think and behave positively, someone may substitute negative thoughts with […]
Finally, a comprehensive review of the self of the therapists, empirical support, and the intricacies of the therapeutic alliance will end the discourse on CBFT.
The author argues that the counselor would use the scripture in cognitive restructuring to change and refocus the thinking direction of the client in accordance with the scriptural guidelines.
In contrast to the motivational approach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, focuses on cognitive and environmental risks to prevent short-term and long-term relapses.
At the same time, it might help to understand the scope of the problem and the specific similarities between different clients and find the motivation to overcome the major difficulties.
Subsequently, the research hypothesis is the following: CBT is a more effective treatment intervention in terms of patient outcomes than psychoanalysis, DBT, and integrative therapy.
Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine CBT treatment in relation to anger, investigate the efficiency of its practices, and review a workbook dedicated to anger management in order to evaluate its potential […]
The critical judgment applies to specific patients, whereby the nurse chooses the data to collect regarding the patient, interprets the data, conducts nursing diagnosis, and specifies the most-suitable nursing action.
Introduction It is hard to disagree that there is a vast number of mental disorders that prevent people from leading their normal lives and are quite challenging to treat. One such psychological condition is depression (Li et al., 2020). Since there is a social stigma of depression, and some of its symptoms are similar to […]
In this regard, cognitive-behavioral programs provide for clarification of the characteristics of the patient’s psychological state and assistance in their awareness, a brief appeal to the origins of the formation of the patient’s psychological problems, […]
This treatment can assist a child with understanding the pessimism of their cognition and figure out how to supplant them with more optimistic ones. Alternate points of view exist with respect to the causes and […]
User experience is another element that can be understood as wider relationships between the iCBT and its users, which should be used to clarify the personal preferences of patients.
During this period, the therapists’ task is to support, accept and facilitate interactions between him and the patients. Records of the drugs and dosages given to the patients are kept.
Basing on the importance of the learning process in the development of drug addiction practice, CBT makes use of the learning process, firstly, in helping the patients to recognize the conditions which stimulate them to […]
In the application of cognitive-oriented therapies the aim is to establish and monitor mind processes, the thoughts, as well examine and monitor the subjects’ assumptions and beliefs and behaviors associated with unhealthy negative emotions.
Its founder, Sigmund Freud’s idea of the three systems of personality, the id, ego and superego being in constant battle within a person is likened to a person’s continual debate of what is right and […]
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, used as an auxiliary method for assessing the condition of a person who has been trafficked, is a good approach for determining the degree of intervention.
The chosen case is the case of Ivan S, who is a war veteran who suffers from a variety of psychological symptoms that affect his relationships with his family and loved ones. Secondly, Ivan shows […]
At the same time, CBT is more common in interventions that target individuals who suffer from substance abuse, and to make such interventions more effective, other types of treatment can be used together with CBT.
A therapist has to keep in mind that there is a direct connection between the effectiveness of CBT and “the extent to which patients learn to use the skills conveyed in therapy outside of the […]
In the case of the client in question, the CBT is ideal since it aims at curing overt behavior such as anger and transforms it into a positive cognition.
On the other hand, Tolin asserts that the behavioral therapy foundation is traced back to the 20th century’s growth of behavioral therapy, the 1960s growth of cognitive therapy, and the coming together of cognitive and […]
Therapists, who do not embrace the CBT interventions in treating some disorders and as tools for intervention of aftermath problems of drugs abuse amongst the adolescents, argue that the existing data, which advocates for CBT, […]
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bipolar disorder has unique features that distinguish the treatment of depression from that of bipolar disorder by the same therapy.
It is important to answer the question about the effectiveness of the CBT for smoking cessation with references to the racial and ethnic differences influencing the effectiveness of the CBT and to the comparison of […]
The choice of the literature for the review was predetermined by three key factors, i.e, the need to represent the phenomenon of cognitive-behavioral therapy, the necessity to outline key cultural specifics of the Chinese American […]
However, in spite of the fact that there exist a wealth of clinical literature on treatment methodologies of victims of sexual abuse, the evidence base concerning the treatment of victims of childhood sexual abuse exhibiting […]